Dear Frnz,

I am new to this community.....I wanted help from you guys... I want to clear as well as strenghthen my concepts of data structures...I am planning to implement them in C.....I am follwing Tanenbaum...but i am not completely satisfied with it.....

Can you guys suggest which can be the best book to serve my purpose....??? As well as what all programs i shoud have been implemented to be confident on my data structure concept....Any other project book is also welcomed......

Thanks a ton.......

Waiting for positive feedback.....

you can always check here... There's some pretty good references and excercises

the best book for data structures in my opinion is "Data structures an advanced approach using C" by Jeffrey Esakov and Tom Weiss

you could start by learning about stacks and then implementing them in a parenthesis checker program

use Schaum series for data structure...the concept is nicely explained in it......

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