
Please anybody help me

My another question is in txtlani textbox I have to enter only digit i.e. 0 to 9 and currency formate i.e. 1,000.00 and 1,00,000.00 it is possible in text box.

and another text box which I have to enter only date i.e. at run time in the text box show dd/mm/yyyy formate and I have to enter by user to enter date not to be left blank i.e. how it will show in the back end not null in MS access on both the text box please help me.

Thank you

Thank you,

As we have discussed in the earlier thread. I am using two textbox namely txtlani and Date ultimataly I want to save the data with the textbox into my beckend i.e. Ms access table with the insert query I have successfully entered the data but how to bind the textbox in a frontend so please guide me.

Please help me.

I am appreciate your reply.

Thank you,

>I want to save the data with the textbox into my beckend

To bind data with control's properties:

1. Configure DataAdapter object. (It includes SelectCommand, DeleteCommand, UpdateCommand, and InsertCommand properties).
2. Populates a DataTable using Fill() method.
3. Use DataBindings property,

  Dim dt as new DataTable

4. At end invoke Update() method of dataAdapter to update data from DataTable (dt) object.

Just back of my code data i am insert successfully into my data base int the same project but while i am fire the insert query I want to reflect that data into list box immediatly while insert button press.

Please help me,

Thank you

>I want to reflect that data into list box immediatly while insert button press.

Use same code, which is used to populate a listbox while loading a form.

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