I'm using the header file below. I'm a little confused about how to store any matrices I create...

If I do:

int main()
    Matrix A(2, 3);
    Matrix B(3);

    return 0;

Matrix::Matrix(int mdim_, int ndim_)
    data_.resize (mdim_*ndim_);

    for (int i = 0; i < mdim_*ndim_; i++)
		data_[i] = 0;

Matrix::Matrix(int ndim_)
    data_.resize (ndim_*ndim_);

    for (int i = 0; i < ndim_*ndim_; i++)
		data_[i] = 0;

Then does this create 2 separate matrices stored in data_? Or will Matrix B just overide the data in Matrix A? And if this is the case how would I get around this? (the header needs to remain unchanged).

Thanks in advance!

Header file:


class Matrix {

  Matrix(int mdim, int ndim);
  // Create a zero matrix with mdim rows and ndim columns

  Matrix(int ndim);
  // Create an zero ndim x ndim matrix

  void Add(Matrix b);
  // Add Matrix b to this matrix

  void Subtract(Matrix b);
  // Subtract b from this matrix

  int mdim_; // Number of rows of matrix
  int ndim_; // Number of columns of matrix
  std::vector<double> data_; // Vector storing the matrix data
int main()
    Matrix A(2, 3);
    Matrix B(3);

    return 0;

>> Then does this create 2 separate matrices stored in data_?
Yes it does. You have two distinct objects of type Matrix, they both withhold their own vector, so there is no interference between the two objects.

If you'd have a static vector there, then each instance of a Matrix would operate on the very same vector, so

class Matrix {

  static std::vector<double> data_; // Vector storing the matrix data

Then you'd be better of passing in the Matrix objects by reference and even by const reference, just to avoid temporary Matrix from being created upon method calls, so rather

// if 'b' is not supposed to change -> make it const
// and pass it in by reference, to be more efficient
void Subtract(const Matrix & b);

I'm having a little more trouble...I know this is a stupid question but how do I refer to each individual matrix since both are stored in data_?

For example for the Add function,

data_ = data_ + data_;

obviously won't work, but I cant see how to specify them seperately, can anyone please help?

Thanks in advance!

how do I refer to each individual matrix since both are stored in data_?

As per the above class declaration ...

// Add Matrix b to this matrix
void Matrix::Add(Matrix b)
    data_[ <index here> ] += b.data_[ <same index here> ];

That's how you access the other object's (b) data_ member. So the next step would be to put that inside a loop to process all the data_.

As per the above class declaration ...

// Add Matrix b to this matrix
void Matrix::Add(Matrix b)
    data_[ <index here> ] += b.data_[ <same index here> ];

That's how you access the other object's (b) data_ member. So the next step would be to put that inside a loop to process all the data_.

I'm sorry, but I don't see this working, mitrmkar.

Based on what I see, there are 2 separate matrices, each with a private "data_" member, which means it's only accessible internally to b. There would have to be some sort of getElement method that allows you to request a specific element from data_.


Matrix::getElement(int elementId) {
  return data_[elementId];

In addition, if data_ were static, the matrices would be stored in the same memory. Wouldn't the net result be 2 identical matrices that modify each other? Also that would cause Add to generate the result 2*data_[i] for every "i" every time Matrix::Add() was called...

I'm sorry, but I don't see this working, mitrmkar.

Hmm, it really should work, that's a method were both of the objects are of same class, hence it does not matter whether or not there is access to a private member variable.

Here is a little test program ...

class access_test
  int answer;

  access_test(int i) : answer(i) {}

  int plus(const access_test & other)
    // increment this instance's 'answer' by other's
    answer += other.answer;
    // and return the current value ...
    return answer;

#include <iostream>
int main()
  access_test fourty(40);
  access_test two(2);

  std::cout << fourty.plus(two) << std::endl;


that should output 42 (which is the correct answer)

Oh, I didn't at first notice what you were saying ...
>> In addition, if data_ were static, the matrices would be stored in the same memory

Yes, that would be quite unsuitable, I sort of tried to point that out there in post #2.

Interesting, looks like I have some experimenting to do.

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