Hey all, I am currently making a phonebook as a final project for my introductory c# class and I was wondering how can I save my form's contents to a database? and how do I export it to an excel file?
I have a listview of items that indicate name, last name, affiliation, contact numbers, etc. that I would like to be saved unto something so that the user can have the choice to load their phonebook list when they log on in their account. I would also like to have the option for them to export their phonebook list to excel for printing and more organization and such. And is it possible to encrypt the file that contains the database so that the user cannot access it in anyway without using my program? or is that too hard? I would be submitting this project on tuesday, for he only gave it to us this tuesday (yeah, 1 week, such a pain).
The professor has taught us nothing about these 3 things but I would like to apply it to my project to impress him, and get a higher grade of course.
Thank you so much for those who'd be suggesting and pointing me to the proper direction!