jemz -1 Master Poster

hello please help me on my problem how to trap in my grd if the user forgot to input the quantity then it will display the messagebox "sorry you forgot to input the quantity"...i already try to trap but
only in the first rows,...but i don't know how to trap if i am in the 2nd rows,3rd rows or etc....please help me how to trap if the user forget to input the quantity...please look in my the txtqty_keyDown..

also how to trap if my mch_qtyh is already zero...then if the user will input in the txtmchno_keydown ...example this mchno R1010 is already zero if the user input will display msgbox"this mchno quantity on hand is already zero"..pease help me how to do this.. how can i trap this...thanks in advance hoping for your positive responds...
here's my code

Public con As ADODB.Connection
Public cmd As ADODB.Command
Public mch_rs As ADODB.Recordset
Public order_rs As ADODB.Recordset
Public cust_rs As ADODB.Recordset
Public od_rs As ADODB.Recordset
Public sql As String
Public m_cno As String
Public m_orno As String, m_amt As String
Public amount As Double, sum As Double

Private Sub txtcno_Click()
txtcno.Text = ""
lblorno.Caption = ""
lbldate.Caption = ""
lblname.Caption = ""
lbladdress.Caption = ""
lbltelno.Caption = ""

txtcno.Locked = False
If order_rs.State = adStateOpen Then
 End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdexit_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub cmdfirst_Click()

If Trim(lblname.Caption) = "" Then
  MsgBox "You have not inputed the customer number", vbExclamation, "Input customer number"
  Call highlight(txtcno)
  Exit Sub
  End If
If order_rs.BOF = True And order_rs.EOF = True Then
  MsgBox "Sorry this customer is no order", vbExclamation, "Input another customer"
  Call highlight(txtcno)
  Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdlast_Click()
If Trim(lblname.Caption) = "" Then
  MsgBox "You have not inputed the customer number", vbExclamation, "Input customer number"
 Call highlight(txtcno)
  Exit Sub
  End If
If order_rs.BOF = True And order_rs.EOF = True Then
  MsgBox "Sorry this customer is no order", vbExclamation, "Input another customer"
  Call highlight(txtcno)
  Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdnext_Click()

If Trim(lblname.Caption) = "" Then
  MsgBox "You have not inputed the customer number", vbExclamation, "Input customer number"
 Call highlight(txtcno)
  Exit Sub
  End If

If order_rs.EOF = False Then

MsgBox "No more orders can be found", vbCritical, "OOops!!!..Sorry!!"
Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdprevious_Click()

If Trim(lblname.Caption) = "" Then
  MsgBox "You have not inputed the customer number", vbExclamation, "Input customer number"
  Call highlight(txtcno)
  Exit Sub
  End If

If order_rs.BOF = False Then
 MsgBox "No more orders can be found", vbCritical, "OOops!!!..Sorry!!"
 Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtcno_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)

 If order_rs.State = adStateOpen Then
   End If

m_cno = Trim(txtcno.Text)
     If KeyCode = 13 Then
          sql = "select * from customer_table where cust_no = '" & m_cno & "'"
           Set cust_rs = con.Execute(sql)
             If cust_rs.BOF = True And cust_rs.EOF = True Then
               MsgBox "Sorry" + "  " + m_cno + "  " + "not found in the customer table", vbCritical
               Exit Sub
                    lblname.Caption = cust_rs!cust_name
                    lbladdress.Caption = cust_rs!cust_address
                    lbltelno.Caption = cust_rs!cust_telno
                    sql = "select * from order_table where order_custno = '" & m_cno & "'order by order_slipno asc,order_date asc"
                    order_rs.Open sql, con, adOpenStatic
                    txtcno.Locked = True
                   End If
           End If


End Sub

Private Sub display_slipno()
         If order_rs.BOF = True Or order_rs.EOF = True Then
             MsgBox "Sorry no order slip found", vbInformation, "End of File"
             Exit Sub
                lblorno.Caption = order_rs!order_slipno
                lbldate.Caption = order_rs!order_date
                End If
End Sub

Private Sub display_detail()

     sql = "select * from order_detail_table where od_orslipno = '" & order_rs!order_slipno & "'"
     Set od_rs = con.Execute(sql)
          If od_rs.BOF = True And od_rs.EOF = True Then
              MsgBox "Sorry Order Slip No...not found id order detail table'"
              Exit Sub
               End If


End Sub

Private Sub Display()

  sum = 0
          Do Until od_rs.EOF = True
               With grd
                   .TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 0) = od_rs!od_seqno
                   .TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 1) = od_rs!od_mchno
                   .TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 4) = od_rs!od_qty
                   .TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 5) = od_rs!od_uprice
               End With
                    amount = od_rs!od_qty * od_rs!od_uprice
                    sum = sum + amount
                    grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 6) = Format(amount, "#,##.00.0")
                    grd.Rows = grd.Rows + 1
                    grd.Rows = grd.Rows + 1
                    grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 5) = "Total :"
                    grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 6) = Format(sum, "#,##.00.0")

End Sub

Private Sub display2()

    sql = "select * from merchandise_table where mch_no = '" & od_rs!od_mchno & "'"
    Set mch_rs = con.Execute(sql)
       If mch_rs.BOF = True And mch_rs.EOF = True Then
                    grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 2) = "MERCHANDISE"
                    grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 3) = "NOT FOUND"
          Exit Sub
             grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 2) = mch_rs!mch_name
             grd.TextMatrix(grd.Rows - 1, 3) = mch_rs!mch_umsr
             End If

End Sub
Public Sub header()

 grd.Rows = 2
 grd.Cols = 7
 grd.ColWidth(2) = 3000
  grd.ColWidth(3) = 1500
 grd.ColWidth(5) = 1500
 grd.ColWidth(6) = 1500
 With grd
  .TextMatrix(0, 0) = "seqno"
  .TextMatrix(0, 1) = "mchno"
  .TextMatrix(0, 2) = "merchandise name"
  .TextMatrix(0, 3) = "umsr"
  .TextMatrix(0, 4) = "qty"
  .TextMatrix(0, 5) = "uprice"
  .TextMatrix(0, 6) = "amount"
End With

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
Set mch_rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set cust_rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set order_rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set od_rs = New ADODB.Recordset

With con
   .ConnectionString = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\project.mdb"
End With

End Sub

Public Function highlight(txt As TextBox)
    With txt
        .SelStart = 0
        .SelLength = Len(.Text)
    End With
End Function

Public Function txtboxtrap(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii >= 33 And KeyAscii <= 44 Or KeyAscii = 45 Or KeyAscii = 46 Or KeyAscii = 47 Or KeyAscii = 63 Or KeyAscii = 64 Then
  KeyAscii = 0
  MsgBox "Invalid input only numbers and letters are allowed", vbInformation, "Invalid Input...Input Again customer number"
  Exit Function
  End If
If KeyAscii >= 58 And KeyAscii <= 62 Or KeyAscii >= 91 And KeyAscii <= 96 Then
   KeyAscii = 0
   MsgBox "Invalid input only numbers and letters are allowed", vbInformation, "Invalid Input...Input Again Customer number"
   Exit Function
   End If
 If KeyAscii >= 123 And KeyAscii <= 127 Then
   KeyAscii = 0
   MsgBox "Invalid input only numbers and letters are allowed ", vbInformation, "Invalid Input...Input Again Customer number"
   Exit Function
   End If
End Function

Private Sub txtcno_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Call txtboxtrap(KeyAscii)
End Sub
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