Hi all.

I am up to the final stage of my system, and it requires use of the observer/observable pattern, something I haven't a clue about!

Basically, I now have a functioning "WatchList" system with which to store specific objects (Locations). Now, these objects have a number of fields relating to "stats" about that object, like "Current Weather Overview" and "Current Temperature", as well as other weathery things.

Basically, I want the values of these fields to appear in TextFields (or similar) my GUI whenever it's Location objects gets selected in my WatchList. Sounds simple enough, I think I could do that.

However, I'm thinking that perhaps I need to use the Observer pattern to update the statistics dynamically and have them change automatically when displayed, rather than having to click some sort of "refresh" button.

Anyway, I hope that makes sense. Can anybody offer any suggestions? Thanks.

Yes, Observer is the way to go. Java API uses it all the time - just look at all the "Listener" interfaces and methods in Swing for a start. You'll find loads of details and samples on the web.

Head First Design Patterns book is very good (linked is Observer chapter, but some pages are omitted as it is only limited preview)

Hey guys. Thanks for your replies. I've been playing around with the Observer/Observable stuff but I haven't had any luck that. Can I just run this past you...

I have my GUI as the Observer and the Location objects as Observable. Whenever a user retrieves their watchlist, they subscribe to all of their Locations using addObserver.

This is my first question, how do I make addObserver add the object calling it as the observer? Would I just do addObserver(this)?

The Observable object has a Collection (eg ArrayList) of Observers, so the addObserver method just adds the Observer (passed as the parameter) to the Collection. so:
Observer: observableObject.addObserver(this);
public void addObserver(Observer o) {

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