I am working on a guessing game in Python and would like some feedback on how the code looks. I am struggling a bit with it, particularly with the menu options and getting it to loop back to the menu again after it has written to a high scores txt file (haven't put in this part of the code yet).
Could you please look over the code and comment on what and where I need to improve them. Thanks in advance.
import random
input = "V" or "P" or "Q"
guesses = 0
guessesTaken = guesses +1
guess = number
print 'What is your name? '
yourName = raw_input()
def main():
Input = 0
menu = ''' Menu:\n
(V)iew High Scores\n
(P)lay Game\n
(Q)uit Game'''
print menu
a = str(raw_input(" : "))
print " Cannot convert input to string, please do not enter a number\n "
while input != "V":
if input != "P" :
input == "Q"
else: print " Please choose V, P or Q\n"
print menu
a = str(raw_input(" : "))
if __name__ == "__main__":
number = random.randint(1, 42)
print 'Please enter your guess, between 1 and 42: '
while guesses != number:
if guess < number:
print 'My number is higher.'
if guess > number:
print 'My number is lower.'
if guess == number:
if guess == number:
guessesTaken = str(guessesTaken)
print 'Good job, ' + yourName + '! You guessed my number in ' + guessesTaken + ' guesses!'