Hi, I`m making a temperature program, the program takes the temperature F and prints the equivalent Celcius temperature. and VS.
The temperature is a double, but I get too many numbers after the decimal poit, like( 45.67777777...) I`d like to set it to only one or two numbers after the decimal.
How do I do that, I`ve been looking in a book, but I don`t know what the method is called.


I think I found what I`m looking for, but it`s not working how I want it to, it`s no doing anything the way I have it set up.
I put my formating function inside the convertTemp(), that`s probably not where it should be.

This is my code:

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class Temperature
      private double temp;
      private char tempScale;
       public Temperature()
       public Temperature(double t, char tempS)
         setTemp (t);
         setTempScale (tempS);
       void displayTemp()
         if (getTempScale() == 'F')
            System.out.println("The current temperature is " + getTemp() + " " + getTempScale());
            System.out.println("Which is equivalent to " + getTemp() + " " + getTempScale());
      DecimalFormat oneDigit = new DecimalFormat("0.0");
       double convertTemp()
         if (tempScale == 'F')
            temp = (temp - 32)* 5/9;
            tempScale = 'C';
            temp = temp * 9 / 5 + 32;
            tempScale = 'F';
         return 0;
       int tempState()
         if(getTemp() >= 212 && getTempScale() == 'F' || getTemp() >= 100 && getTempScale() == 'C')
            System.out.print("Water at this temperature is a gas.\n");
         else if(getTemp() >= 32 && getTempScale() == 'F' || getTemp() >= 0 && getTempScale() == 'C')
            System.out.print("Water at this temperature is a liquid.\n");
            System.out.print("Water at this temperature is solid.\n");
         return 0;
       void setTemp(double value)
         temp = value;
       void setTempScale(char type)
         tempScale = type;
       double getTemp()
         return temp;
       char getTempScale()
         return tempScale;

and my testCode:

class TestTemp
	public static void main(String[] args)
		Temperature theTemp = new Temperature(275, 'F');
		while(theTemp.getTemp() >= (-10))
			theTemp.setTemp(theTemp.getTemp() - 25);
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