Hi all,

I have got a regular expression of the form: "tcp:"+'[0-9]+'
It works fine when using the re.search( ) module. But if I want to grep for a line in a file that contains the pattern required, then the things wont work. Grep sees the regualr expression as tcp:+[0-9]. Hence grep will look for tcp:+[0-9]
How to make it ensured that grep will search for a pattern defined by the regular expression: "tcp:"+'[0-9]+'


If you are speaking of linux' grep command, it does not use the same regexes as python. It uses posix regular expression. You should use grep -E and see http://www.regular-expressions.info/posix.html#bre or google for more info on the supported regexes.
Another solution is to use the grin program http://pypi.python.org/pypi/grin which is a grep written in python and which uses python's regexes on the command line. On some linux systems, it's a package (you should install it with your software manager). Otherwise you should be able to install it with easy_install on the command line.
You can use the grin command like the grep command, but with a python regex. Here is the output of grin -h :

usage: grin [-h] [-v] [-i] [-A AFTER_CONTEXT] [-B BEFORE_CONTEXT] [-C CONTEXT]
            [-I INCLUDE] [-n] [-N] [-H] [--without-filename] [-l] [-L]
            [--no-color] [--use-color] [--force-color] [-s]
            [--skip-hidden-files] [-b] [--skip-backup-files] [-S]
            [--skip-hidden-dirs] [-d SKIP_DIRS] [-D] [-e SKIP_EXTS] [-E]
            [-f FILE] [-0]
            regex [files [files ...]]

Search text files for a given regex pattern.

positional arguments:
  regex                 the regular expression to search for
  files                 the files to search

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -i, --ignore-case     ignore case in the regex
                        the number of lines of context to show after the match
                        the number of lines of context to show before the
                        match [default=0]
  -C CONTEXT, --context CONTEXT
                        the number of lines of context to show on either side
                        of the match
  -I INCLUDE, --include INCLUDE
                        only search in files matching this glob [default='*']
  -n, --line-number     show the line numbers [default]
  -N, --no-line-number  do not show the line numbers
  -H, --with-filename   show the filenames of files that match [default]
  --without-filename    do not show the filenames of files that match
  -l, --files-with-matches
                        show only the filenames and not the texts of the
  -L, --files-without-matches
                        show the matches with the filenames
  --no-color            do not use colorized output [default if piping the
  --use-color           use colorized output [default if outputting to a
  --force-color         always use colorized output even when piping to
                        something that may not be able to handle it
  -s, --no-skip-hidden-files
                        do not skip .hidden files
  --skip-hidden-files   do skip .hidden files [default]
  -b, --no-skip-backup-files
                        do not skip backup~ files
  --skip-backup-files   do skip backup~ files [default]
  -S, --no-skip-hidden-dirs
                        do not skip .hidden directories
  --skip-hidden-dirs    do skip .hidden directories [default]
  -d SKIP_DIRS, --skip-dirs SKIP_DIRS
                        comma-separated list of directory names to skip
  -D, --no-skip-dirs    do not skip any directories
  -e SKIP_EXTS, --skip-exts SKIP_EXTS
                        comma-separated list of file extensions to skip
  -E, --no-skip-exts    do not skip any file extensions
  -f FILE, --files-from-file FILE
                        read files to search from a file, one per line; - for
  -0, --null-separated  filenames specified in --files-from-file are separated
                        by NULs

Hi Gribouillis,

Thanks for the reply.
My requirement is that the grep command is executed by a ssh process connecting to a server. It executes this grep command on the server. Hence it is liux kind of enironment. For grep I found out that a number can be represented as "[0-9] [\d]*". But even this did not work


If you are speaking of linux' grep command, it does not use the same regexes as python. It uses posix regular expression. You should use grep -E and see http://www.regular-expressions.info/posix.html#bre or google for more info on the supported regexes.
Another solution is to use the grin program http://pypi.python.org/pypi/grin which is a grep written in python and which uses python's regexes on the command line. On some linux systems, it's a package (you should install it with your software manager). Otherwise you should be able to install it with easy_install on the command line.
You can use the grin command like the grep command, but with a python regex. Here is the output of grin -h :

usage: grin [-h] [-v] [-i] [-A AFTER_CONTEXT] [-B BEFORE_CONTEXT] [-C CONTEXT]
            [-I INCLUDE] [-n] [-N] [-H] [--without-filename] [-l] [-L]
            [--no-color] [--use-color] [--force-color] [-s]
            [--skip-hidden-files] [-b] [--skip-backup-files] [-S]
            [--skip-hidden-dirs] [-d SKIP_DIRS] [-D] [-e SKIP_EXTS] [-E]
            [-f FILE] [-0]
            regex [files [files ...]]

Search text files for a given regex pattern.

positional arguments:
  regex                 the regular expression to search for
  files                 the files to search

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -i, --ignore-case     ignore case in the regex
                        the number of lines of context to show after the match
                        the number of lines of context to show before the
                        match [default=0]
  -C CONTEXT, --context CONTEXT
                        the number of lines of context to show on either side
                        of the match
  -I INCLUDE, --include INCLUDE
                        only search in files matching this glob [default='*']
  -n, --line-number     show the line numbers [default]
  -N, --no-line-number  do not show the line numbers
  -H, --with-filename   show the filenames of files that match [default]
  --without-filename    do not show the filenames of files that match
  -l, --files-with-matches
                        show only the filenames and not the texts of the
  -L, --files-without-matches
                        show the matches with the filenames
  --no-color            do not use colorized output [default if piping the
  --use-color           use colorized output [default if outputting to a
  --force-color         always use colorized output even when piping to
                        something that may not be able to handle it
  -s, --no-skip-hidden-files
                        do not skip .hidden files
  --skip-hidden-files   do skip .hidden files [default]
  -b, --no-skip-backup-files
                        do not skip backup~ files
  --skip-backup-files   do skip backup~ files [default]
  -S, --no-skip-hidden-dirs
                        do not skip .hidden directories
  --skip-hidden-dirs    do skip .hidden directories [default]
  -d SKIP_DIRS, --skip-dirs SKIP_DIRS
                        comma-separated list of directory names to skip
  -D, --no-skip-dirs    do not skip any directories
  -e SKIP_EXTS, --skip-exts SKIP_EXTS
                        comma-separated list of file extensions to skip
  -E, --no-skip-exts    do not skip any file extensions
  -f FILE, --files-from-file FILE
                        read files to search from a file, one per line; - for
  -0, --null-separated  filenames specified in --files-from-file are separated
                        by NULs
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