I'm making program similar to keylogger (in vb2008), that detects keys pressed and then save it...
How can i make, that program will name .txt file like "29.3.20010.txt"? im using this code to make a file:
Dim file As System.IO.FileStream
file = System.IO.File.Create("C:\Key\Keylogg.txt")
how can i insert Date:
Dim dtmDate As Date
dtmDate = DateValue(Now)
into the name of .txt file?
all keys are written into medium sized rich text box - but how can i make, that saved text will be in same shape as it was...
Start: 29.3.2010 21:14:50
[Enter] viissuaal bbaasic
[Enter] .ttxtt sasasvvingiim mamaking pprrogrrraamm ssiimmimlaarr to keeyloggeerr, that ddetectts kekyys prreressedd andnd theen sasaavve it...lockkeerzz
[Enter] hhow cacan i ..
[Enter] ii how cacann i make,, tthatt pprrorgrraam will naammweee .ttxt fiile likeke ...!..ttxt2 iiimm usinngg tthhiss coddee to mamakke a fille.
[Enter] how cacan i inseerrtt daatee
[Enter] .
[Enter] intto thhee naame of txt.txt ffile
[Enter] aandnd d i hahave limmediium siizzeed riichh texxt boxaall keys aarer writteen iinto bbut wwhhen it ssasaahow cacann i maakke, thaat sasaveed ttexxt will be in sasame shappe aas itt wwaass...
[Enter] tthiis is nonowexxtbbo.
[Enter] rrichtteexxtbbox.
Start: 29.3.2010 21:14:50
[Enter] [Enter]
[Enter] viissuaal bbaasic
[Enter] .ttxtt sasasvvingiim mamaking pprrogrrraamm ssiimmimlaarr to keeyloggeerr, that ddetectts kekyys prreressedd andnd theen sasaavv [Enter] [Enter]
[Enter] [Enter] hhow cacan i .. [Enter]
[Enter] ii how cacann i make,, tthatt pprrorgrraam will naammweee .ttxt fiile likeke ...!..ttxt2 iiimm usinngg tthhiss coddee to mamakke a fille.
[Enter] [Enter] [Enter]
[Enter] how cacan i inseerrtt daatee
[Enter] [Enter] [Enter]
[Enter] intto thhee naame of txt.txt ffile [Enter]
[Enter] [Enter] aandnd d i hahave limmediium siizzeed riichh texxt boxaall keys aarer writteen iinto bbut wwhhen it ssasaahow cacann i maakke, thaat sasaveed ttexxt will be in sasame shappe aas itt wwaass...
[Enter] tthiis is nonowexxtbbo.[Enter] rrichtteexxtbbox.[Enter]
this is example of programs recordings. (in txtbox and saved in notepad)
i'll adjust timer so there wont be so much double charts
I KNOW I'M NOOB... (lol 1 month ago i didnt know what VB is)
and sorry for my poor english