I don't have your code handy at the moment but lets say you have three text boxes that contain a number, text, and date and they are also an array of text boxes...
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tablename(numericfieldname, textfieldname, datefieldname) VALUES(" & Trim(Text1(0).Text) & ", '" & Trim(Replace(Text1(1).Text, "'", "''")), & ", #" & Text1(2).Text & "#)"
Now, as you can see, the first field that is a numeric field is not surrounded by single ticks (') while the text field is. Also, you can see the replace function that replaces single ticks contained within the text to be inserted with two single ticks ('>''). Now, what this does is it takes a word like don't and transforms it into don''t, but when it is inserted into the database, the database recognizes this as the word is supposed to have a single tick in it. So the database takes don''t and transforms it back into don't so when you pull the value back out of the database, you get what you want don't. Then as you see the third field is wrapped by pound symbols (#), which indicate to access (and access only) that a date is being passed to be inserted (Note: other databases will accept a string value and convert it to a date for you but access will not accept a value wrapped by single ticks and as such must be wrapped by the pound symbol).
Good Luck