Dear all,

My window layout looks like this..
First, the dialog box that consists of listbox would appear to ask for user input.
After the user input has been given, It will display in the next windows..

I have been trying to intergate the two coding together. However I can't get it to work..

The two codes are..

# a simple Tkinter ListBox example for multiline select
# use ctrl mouse click or shift mouse click

from Tkinter import *
import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('C:/test/test.db')
c = conn.cursor()

def get_list():
    function to read the listbox selection(s)
    (mutliple lines can be selected)
    and put the result(s) in a label
    # tuple of line index(es)
    sel = listbox1.curselection()
    print sel

root = Tk()

# extended mode allows CTRL or SHIFT mouse selections
listbox1 = Listbox(root, selectmode = EXTENDED)

# click the button to show the selection(s)
button1 = Button(root, text = "Get Selection(s)", command = get_list)

# store some items in the listbox
c.execute('SELECT * FROM Location')

for item in c:
    listbox1.insert(END, item[0])

# highlight line 3 of listbox (line 1 is zero)
# lb.selection_set(first, last=None) can select more than 1 line


and dialog box..

from Tkinter import *

class MyDialog:
    def __init__(self, parent):

        top = = Toplevel(parent)

        Label(top, text="Value").pack()

        self.e = Entry(top)

        b = Button(top, text="OK", command=self.ok)

    def ok(self):

        print "value is", self.e.get()

root = Tk()

d = MyDialog(root)


This is what I did and I am unsure where did I went wrong..

from Tkinter import *

conn = sqlite3.connect('C:/test/test.db')
c = conn.cursor()

class MyDialog:
    def __init__(self, parent):

        # extended mode allows CTRL or SHIFT mouse selections
        listbox1 = Listbox(root, selectmode = EXTENDED)

        # click the button to show the selection(s)
        button1 = Button(root, text = "Get Selection(s)", command = get_list)

        # store some items in the listbox
        c.execute('SELECT * FROM Location')

        for item in c:
            listbox1.insert(END, item[0])

        # highlight line 3 of listbox (line 1 is zero)
        # lb.selection_set(first, last=None) can select more than 1 line

    def ok(self):

        print "value is", self.e.get()

    def get_list():
    function to read the listbox selection(s)
    (mutliple lines can be selected)
    and put the result(s) in a label
        # tuple of line index(es)
        sel = listbox1.curselection()
        print sel

root = Tk()

d = MyDialog(root)


Any comment on this will be great!! Thanks.. :|

Dear all,

I understand that Dialog box will not work with list box.. I would need to use it as a window and pass the values to another window.. :cry:

Mean while, if you all know anything. Do comment on this topic.

Thank you. :D

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