Please help I'm having trouble getting my program to return any answer other than "You Lose!". Where is my mistake? Thanks in advance for any help.

print "Let's Play Rock, Paper, Scissors!!"
print "Rock beats scissors, paper beats rock, and scissors beats rock and paper! Have fun!"
import random
user = 0
computer = 0
draw = 0

while counter <> 99:
    counter = input("Please enter 1 for rock, 2 for paper, 3 for scissors, or 99 to end the game: ")
    if counter == 1:
        print "You picked", counter, "and the computer picked", random.choice(['1', '2', '3'])

    elif counter == 2:
        print "You picked", counter, "and the computer picked", random.choice(['1', '2', '3'])

    elif counter == 3:
        print "You picked", counter, "and the computer picked", random.choice(['1', '2', '3'])
    if counter == '1' and random == '3':
        print "You win!"

    elif counter == '2' and random == '1':
        print "You win!"

    elif counter == '3' and random == '2':
        print "You win!"
    elif counter == random:
        print "It's a draw!"

    elif counter == '99':
        print "You have entered 99 to end the game!"

        print "You lose!"

import random
random.choice(['1', '2', '3'])
print "\n\nResults:"
print "You won", user,"games"
print "The computer won", computer, "games"
print "There were", draw, " draw games"

It's printing you lose because you are trying to use the module 'random' as a variable. Therefore, no statements in your loop for win checking are excepted, apart from, of course, the else statement, which prints 'You lose'.

You need to make a variable for the computers' choice. So this line, for example:

print "You picked", counter, "and the computer picked", random.choice()


#compCount is variable for the computer's turn
compCount == random.choice(['1', '2', '3'])
print "You picked", counter, "and the computer picked" compCount

Please use code tags, like I have, next time!

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