Guys, I really need your help !! I am using VB.Net & I have a Data Grid View in which I have 3 Columns and Dynamic Rows (user can insert rows based on their requirement). My problem is, I want to populate the value's in the rows that are being input by the User. For Example, user has input up to row 6. And I want to take the values from row 1-6 and calculate the MEAN, MEDIAN, VARIANCE, STANDARD DEVIATION, SIMPLE AVERAGE and so on and Display the result in Column 3 or may be in any text box. I Have attached the screen shot of my form. Plz help me out.

You can read value at specific cell using,


Thanks for your reply. I can retrieve the value from one specific cell. But I cant take all the values in column 1 and add them up together and show the result in column 3. I am confused. Plz help !

You can use loop.

For i=0 to 5

Hi thnx Again. I used i in the for loop coz I want to make it dyanmic. When I m running the code and input the value and click total button, its showing "False" in the MessageBox that I have set for the output. Can u help me with the proper syntax to add the values in the column and display the total to Column 3 ? I will be greatful to u.

Dim i As Integer = 0
        Dim var1 As Integer
        For i = 0 To i
            MessageBox.Show(var1 = DataGrid1.Rows(i).Cells(i).Value)

>click total button, its showing "False" in the MessageBox

Because You are comparing these two values.

Dim i As Integer = 0
        Dim var1 As Integer=0
        For i = 0 To 5
           var1 =  var1 + val(DataGrid1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value)

Brooo, I don't know how to say thanks to you. But it really worked for me ! Thank you so much for your help. God Bless You !

Thanks. Please mark this thread as solved.

Ya sure, just one thing to ask. In the FOR Loop, u did i = 0 - 6 . But if I want to make it Dynamic then what to do. Like for example, User inputs until 4, it will automatically detect how many rows have been filled. Thats it, I believe u can help !

You can check the content of cell.

Dim i As Integer = 0
        Dim var1 As Integer=0
        Do while True
           if val(DataGrid1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value)=0 Then
                Exit Do
           End If
           var1 =  var1 + val(DataGrid1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value)

Buddy, u r great. Thanks for all the help. God Bless


Dude, thanks for all the help. U saved my life ! God Bless You !


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