Just need a few pointers with the code below.
I have the below class to complete but I am stuck on the isAllValidDigits() method where i have to create a loop to check and return true if all the int values of the authorId array and the programId array are in the valid range of 0-9 inclusive, otherwise return false.

public class ISPN
private int[] authorId;
private int[] programId;

* Creates a new instance of ISPN
public ISPN(int[] anAuthorId, int[] aProgramId)
int[] authorId = anAuthorId;
int[] programId = aProgramId;

public boolean isValidLength()
int numAuthor = authorId.length;
int numProgram = programId.length;
if((numAuthor + numProgram) == 6)
return true;
return false;

public boolean isAllValidDigits()
for(int i = 0; i < authorId.length; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < programId.length; j++)
if((i >= 0)&&(i <= 9))
return true;
if((j >= 0)&&(j <= 9))
return true;
return false;
public boolean isAllValidDigits()
	boolean returnFlag = true;
	for(int i = 0; i < authorId.length; i++){
		if((authorId[i] < 0)||(authorId[i] > 9)){
		// as soon as any number not in the range change the flag and break;
	/// no need to chk if flag is false
	for(int i = 0; i < programId.length; i++){
		if((programId[i] < 0)||(programId[i] > 9))
	return returnFlag;

Thank you very much vchandra.
That seems to have worked fine.

I have come accross another issue which i can't get my head round it.
I have to find a checkValueNumber based on a calculation.
Then i will have to convert that into a String. If that checkValueNumber is below 9 i need to add a 0 before it to show as 09 instead.
Here's my code below.
Would appreciate any pointers.


public String toString()
      // TODO
       String value;
       if(calculateCheckValue() > 10)
           value = "0"+ calculateCheckValue();
           value = Integer.toString(calculateCheckValue());
      return "P-" + getAuthorIdAsString() +"-"+ getProgramIdAsString()+"-"+calculateCheckValue();

Thank you very much vchandra.
That seems to have worked fine.

I have come accross another issue which i can't get my head round it.
I have to find a checkValueNumber based on a calculation.
Then i will have to convert that into a String. If that checkValueNumber is below 9 i need to add a 0 before it to show as 09 instead.
Here's my code below.
Would appreciate any pointers.


public String toString()
      // TODO
       String value;
       if(calculateCheckValue() > 10)
           value = "0"+ calculateCheckValue();
           value = Integer.toString(calculateCheckValue());
      return "P-" + getAuthorIdAsString() +"-"+ getProgramIdAsString()+"-"+calculateCheckValue();
public String toString()
      // TODO
       String value;
       if(calculateCheckValue() < 10)
           value = "0"+ calculateCheckValue();
           value = Integer.toString(calculateCheckValue());
      return "P-" + getAuthorIdAsString() +"-"+ getProgramIdAsString()+"-"+value
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