I'm using an access database for a school project. The point is to get info out of a tag (stored in database).
There's a path of a picture stored in the database. When i want to get it out, everythink works. But as soon the picture is displayed and my comport receives new data, it always disappears. I don't change the imagelocation, i don't do anything with it...

is it able to make sure the picture can't change? a command to stop changing or something..

Does anybody know the reason why it changes?

The attachement is my whole project. (DUTCH language)

Friendly greetings.

>There's a path of a picture stored in the database.

No path. Name of images are in the tables.

>is it able to make sure the picture can't change?

Remove this line -

pictureBox1.ImageLocation = strImageLocation;

problem solved...
ty anyway!

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