i have been trying to debug this program for about 2 days(not the whole days, just when ive been coding) and i still cant find the source of this bug. i have been trying to create a class factory system for a game that i want to make. first, let me explain some things about how i use it:
you make an entity class that has the base class of CBase.
after the class definition(after the closing }) you put this code: LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( className, entityName )
this generates a separate class definition that is the class's factory which holds the entityName and has a method called Create to make new instances of the class.
this(LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS) is a define and className is the name of the class(eg. CTest) and entityName is a string for finding that class's factory(eg. "test_entity"). when the class factory is instanced, it adds itself(in it's constructor) to a list that is searched when trying to find class factories. my problem is that the factories aren't getting put into the list(it's a std::vector, btw) when they're instanced.
i have used all sorts of debugging techniques(break points, putting watches on variables) and i still can't find the source of this problem.
hopefully this explanation is understandable and clear so it can help you to solve my problem.
here is my code:
#ifndef UTIL_H
#define UTIL_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "baseclass.h"
template< typename T >
T *CreateEntityTemplate( )
return new T;
class CEntityFactory {
CEntityFactory( char *pFactoryName );
char *m_pFactoryName;
virtual CBase *Create( );
class CEntityFactoryDictionary {
void InstallFactory( CEntityFactory *factory, char *pFactoryName );
void UninstallFactory( char *pFactoryName );
CEntityFactory *FindFactory( char *pFactoryName );
std::vector< CEntityFactory* > m_Factories;
CEntityFactoryDictionary EntityFactoryDictionary( );
#define LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( className, entityName ) \
class CEntityFactory_##className : public CEntityFactory{ \
public: \
CEntityFactory_##className ( char *pFactoryName ):CEntityFactory( pFactoryName ){ } \
CBase *Create( ){ return CreateEntityTemplate< className >( ); } \
}; \
CEntityFactory_##className factory2( entityName ); \
CEntityFactory_##className *factory = &factory2
#endif //UTIL_H
#include "util.h"
CBase *CEntityFactory::Create( )
return CreateEntityTemplate< CBase >( );
CEntityFactory::CEntityFactory( char *pFactoryName )
:m_pFactoryName( pFactoryName )
EntityFactoryDictionary( ).InstallFactory( this, pFactoryName );
void CEntityFactoryDictionary::InstallFactory( CEntityFactory *factory, char *pFactoryName )
factory->m_pFactoryName = pFactoryName;
m_Factories.push_back( factory );
void CEntityFactoryDictionary::UninstallFactory( char *pFactoryName )
std::vector< CEntityFactory* >::const_iterator it;
for( it = m_Factories.begin( ); it != m_Factories.end( ); ++it )
if( 0 == strcmp( (*it)->m_pFactoryName, pFactoryName ) )
m_Factories.erase( it );
CEntityFactory *CEntityFactoryDictionary::FindFactory( char *pFactoryName )
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Factories.size( ); i++ )
if( 0 == strcmp( m_Factories[i]->m_pFactoryName, pFactoryName ) )
return m_Factories[i];
return NULL;
CEntityFactoryDictionary EntityFactoryDictionary( )
static CEntityFactoryDictionary s_EntityFactoryDictionary;
return s_EntityFactoryDictionary;
baseclass.h(which holds CBase):
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
class CBase {
int m_nID;
float m_fNextThinkTime;
CBase( );
float GetNextThink( );
void SetNextThink( float fNextThinkTime );
virtual void Spawn( ){ }
virtual void Activate( ){ }
virtual void Think( ){ }
virtual void Update( ){ }
virtual void Delete( ){ }
#endif //BASECLASS_H
#include "baseclass.h"
#include "id_manager.h"
CBase::CBase( )
:m_nID( GetNextUsableID( ) ), m_fNextThinkTime( 0.0f )
float CBase::GetNextThink( )
return m_fNextThinkTime;
void CBase::SetNextThink( float fNextThinkTime )
m_fNextThinkTime = fNextThinkTime;
#include "util.h"
#include <iostream>
class CTest : public CBase {
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( CTest, "test_entity" );
int main( )
CBase *lol = NULL;
if( !EntityFactoryDictionary( ).FindFactory( "test_entity" ) )
std::cout << "lol == NULL D:";
std::cin.get( );
lol = EntityFactoryDictionary( ).FindFactory( "test_entity" )->Create( );
std::cout << lol->GetNextThink( ) << " KI!K\n";
return 0;
thank you for your time