Hello everyone,

I am interested in creating a program that A).. displays a picture at random from a specific pool of images as a screensaver ,, and B) allows the user to set a time frame in which one of the pictures will randomly pop up on the screen.... Can anyone point me in the right direction to start off ? I'd really appreciate any help .. This is going to be my first real programming project and I am willing to learn whatever it takes to make this happen..

I have a small background in C++ and Java .. I figured that Java may be an essential piece to this program , but if I am wrong please tell me ...

Again ,, any and all help if GREATLY appreciated,



Search "java screensaver tutorial" in Google and you're set.

Search "java screensaver tutorial" in Google and you're set.

Thanks for the reply .. I appreciate it ... I'm ganna check it out in a little while

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