Here is my code. Currently I have my information coming out in a message box, but I need need the information to come out in "prose" form. I am not sure where to put it and how to do it.

 {{  ' applicant details
    Dim name As String = txtName.Text
    Dim phone As String = txtPhone.Text
    Dim address As String = txtAddress.Text
    Dim city As String = txtCity.Text
    Dim state As String = cboState.Text
    Dim zip As String = txtZip.Text
    Dim home As Boolean = chkHome.Checked
    Dim mobile As Boolean = chkMobile.Checked
    Dim business As Boolean = chkBusiness.Checked
    Dim workUS As Boolean = rdoUSYes.Checked
    Dim felonyYES As Boolean = rdoFelonyYes.Checked
    Dim felonyDetails As String = txtFelony.Text
    Dim employedCity As Boolean = rdoBeforeYes.Checked
    Dim positionCity As String = txtYes.Text

    ' education/certificates

    ' high school
    Dim highSchoolName As String = txtSchool.Text
    Dim highSchoolState As String = cboState1.Text
    Dim highSchoolGraduated As Boolean = rdoGradYes1.Checked
    Dim highSchoolDateGraduated As String = txtGrad1.Text
    Dim highSchoolDegree As String = txtDegree1.Text
    Dim highSchoolMajor As String = txtMajor1.Text

    ' undergrad
    Dim undergradName As String = txtUndergrad.Text
    Dim undergradState As String = cboState2.Text
    Dim undergradGraduated As Boolean = rdoGradYes2.Checked
    Dim undergradDateGraduated As String = txtGrad2.Text
    Dim undergradDegree As String = txtDegree2.Text
    Dim undergradMajor As String = txtMajor2.Text

    ' graduate
    Dim graduateName As String = txtGraduate.Text
    Dim graduateState As String = cboState3.Text
    Dim graduateGraduated As Boolean = rdoGradYes3.Checked
    Dim graduateDateGraduated As String = txtGrad3.Text
    Dim graduateDegree As String = txtDegree3.Text
    Dim graduateMajor As String = txtMajor3.Text

    ' technical
    Dim technicalName As String = txtTechnical.Text
    Dim technicalState As String = cboState4.Text
    Dim technicalGraduated As Boolean = rdoGradYes4.Checked
    Dim technicalDateGraduated As String = txtGrad4.Text
    Dim technicalDegree As String = txtDegree4.Text
    Dim technicalMajor As String = txtMajor4.Text

    ' employment history
    Dim employer As String = txtEmployer.Text
    Dim employerAddress As String = txtAddressCity.Text
    Dim title As String = txtTitle.Text
    Dim supervisor As String = txtSupervisor.Text
    Dim hours As String = txtHours.Text
    Dim endDate As String = txtEndDate.Text
    Dim startDate As String = txtStartDate.Text
    Dim reason As String = txtReason.Text
    Dim description As String = txtDescription.Text

    ' make text message

    Dim s As String = ""

    s += "Name: " & name & vbCrLf
    s += "Address: " & address & vbCrLf
    s += "City " & city & " State: " & state & " Zip" & zip & vbCrLf
    s += "Phone: " & phone
    If (home) Then s += " Home "
    If (mobile) Then s += " Mobile "
    If (business) Then s += " Business "
    s += vbCrLf
    If (workUS) Then s += "Worked in US" & vbCrLf

    If (felonyYES) Then s += "Has a Felony Details: " & felonyDetails & vbCrLf

    If (employedCity) Then
        s += "Employed by City: Position: " & positionCity
    End If

    ' education/certificates
    s += vbCrLf & "Education: " & vbCrLf
    s += "School    State Grad? Date   Degree   Major" & vbCrLf

    s += String.Format("{0,-10:g}{1,-10:g}{2,-10:g}{3,-10:g}{4,-10:g}{5,-10:g}", highSchoolName, highSchoolState, highSchoolGraduated, highSchoolDateGraduated, highSchoolDegree, highSchoolMajor)
    s += vbCrLf

    s += String.Format("{0,-10:g}{1,-10:g}{2,-10:g}{3,-10:g}{4,-10:g}{5,-10:g}", undergradName, undergradState, undergradGraduated, undergradDateGraduated, undergradDegree, undergradMajor)
    s += vbCrLf

    s += String.Format("{0,-10:g}{1,-10:g}{2,-10:g}{3,-10:g}{4,-10:g}{5,-10:g}", graduateName, graduateState, graduateGraduated, graduateDateGraduated, graduateDegree, graduateMajor)
    s += vbCrLf

    s += String.Format("{0,-10:g}{1,-10:g}{2,-10:g}{3,-10:g}{4,-10:g}{5,-10:g}", technicalName, technicalState, technicalGraduated, technicalDateGraduated, technicalDegree, technicalMajor)
    s += vbCrLf

    ' employment history
    s += vbCrLf & "Employment History: " & vbCrLf
    s += "Employer: " & employer & vbCrLf
    s += "Employer Address:  " & employerAddress & vbCrLf
    s += "Title: " & title & vbCrLf
    s += "Supervisor: " & supervisor & vbCrLf
    s += "Hours per Week: " & hours & vbCrLf
    s += "End Date: " & endDate & " Start Date: " & startDate & vbCrLf
    s += "Reason for leaving: " & reason & vbCrLf
    s += "Job Description: " & description & vbCrLf

    MessageBox.Show(s, "Applicant Details")}}

What is "prose" form ?

Do you actually mean that you need to show these info mentioned below, in another form?

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