Can anybody help me understand how this design pattern works? I'm supposed to make a program that will create a tree using pointers or an array. The client is then supposed to choose which of the two types of trees he wants to use... I've created the tree with pointers, but I don't understand how to extend that and create an array option. I can figure out how to create a tree with an array... just not the bridge aspect. I'll supply the tree.h file to help understand what my program looks like and does.
#ifndef TREE_H
#define TREE_H
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
class Node{
Node& next() const; //return right sibling
Node& getLc() const; //return left child
void insertLeft( Node*, int*, int ); //insert a new node to left child
void insertRight( Node*, int*, int ); //insert a new node to right sibling
void nullLeft(); //make leftchild pointer = NULL
void nullRight(); //make rightsibling pointer = NULL
void setLabel( int* ); //set label
void setSize( int );
int* getLabel(); //get label
int getSize();
int *label; // node holds an int array
int sizeOfLabel;
Node *leftchild; // a pointer to its child (left pointer)
Node *rightsibling; // a pointer to its sibling (right pointer)
class Tree{
Tree( int* , int, int ); //constructor
Node& getRoot() const; //get the root node
Node& findNode( int* ); //find specific node
bool isFull(); //return true if # of nodes = full, false otherwise
void annotate( int*, int, Node& ); //annotate specific node with given int*
void add( int*, int, Node&, Node&, Node* ); //add new node
void preOrder() const; //print tree in preOrder
void postOrder() const; //print tree in postOrder
int numberOfNodes() const; //return # of nodes
int height() const; //return height
int leaves() const; //return # of leaves
Node* root; //root node
int full; //max size of tree
Node& findHelp( Node&, int*, int);
// recursive helper functions
void preHelp( Node& );
void postHelp( Node& );
void printHelp( int*, int );
int betterMatch( Node&, int*, int );
int nodeCount( Node&, int i );
int heightHelp( Node&, int i );
int leafHelp( Node&, int i );