Hey, I have to read numbers from a text file. Heres an example input:
6 8
1 2 10
1 3 9
2 3 7
2 4 2
3 5 5
4 5 3
4 6 8
5 6 4
The parser I coded works fine in NetBeans and Dev c++, however we are required to run it on a linux terminal also.
Heres how the last column looks after I read it in from the text file in linux:
it seems to skip the 9. Heres my code for reading the info from the text file "input.txt"
//first I get all the lines and add them to a string vector
ifstream myFile("input.txt");
if (myFile.is_open())
while (!myFile.eof())
//this while loop will parse all the info from the text file
while (lineNumber < inputLines.size())
//converts the read in line to a c sting
cstrInput = new char[line.size()+1];
//parse the line, looking for a space or " "
parser = strtok(cstrInput," ");
while (parser != NULL)
//all input is integers, so convert the num to an integer
num = atoi(parser);
if (infoType == 1)
//infoType is one, and line number is 0, so I'm parsing nV
if (lineNumber == 0)
//create a new set with nV amount
theSet = new dis_set(num);
//u is the first column
//not the first line, so info is u values
theEdge.u = num;
else if (infoType == 2)
//infoType is two, and line number is 0, so I'm parsing nE
if (lineNumber == 0)
//create a new heap with nE amount
theHeap = new min_heap(num);
//v is the second coloumn
//not the first line, so info is v value
theEdge.v = num;
//if infoType is 3, than I'm reading a cost value.
else if (infoType == 3)
if (lineNumber == 0)
//cost is the third coloumn
theEdge.cost = num;
parser = strtok(NULL," ");
//insert the newly created edge into the heap
infoType = 1; // set infoType to 1
The first line of the text file just tells me how many vertices (nV) and edges (nE) I have.
I create a loop that goes through the string vector. Each loop it creates an Edge (an edge is a struct made up of 3 ints which are two vertices and a cost). I set the first value to Edge.u, I set the second value to Edge.v, and i set the third Edge.cost.
I then insert the edge into a min-heap. But, like I stated above the parse code works in NetBeans and Dev c++, but it doesnt work properly in a linux terminal.