Hello new to the forum, I've been learning and working with C++ for a few months now and I've started to learn how to use strings. What I'm trying to do is take each individual line from a text file and dissect all blocks of text separate by a space and send those into a two dimensional array. So in other words, I want the first line of text to be in row[0] of an array, while all of the words hold places in the columns. I want to repeat that method for the proceeding lines, except each new line will get a new row in the matrix and its columns will hold the text from that line.
This is the code I have for reading a text file, and I've tried to tokenize the words, however I have come into many syntax errors and I'm hoping someone can show me the correct syntax.
// read back text from a text file
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void main()
char temp_str[81];
ifstream from_file;
if (!from_file)
cout << "Cannot open file - mytext.txt";
exit(1); //return to the OS with exit code 1
cout << "This is the text in the file:\n";
from_file.getline(temp_str, 80);
while ( !from_file.eof() )
cout << temp_str << "\n";
from_file.getline(temp_str, 80);
mytext.txt holds
3 lines 3 words 15 characters
4 lines 9 words 39 characters