I need this code to ask if you finished the current quest, if your say YES you have, i must check your inventory to see if you have the necessary items to complete it.

What will check if inventory contains flour and eggs in this case?

Thanks, (code below)

#Tavern Class
class tavern():
	def taver_n(self):
		if currnt_quest=="Chef's Helper":
			done=raw_input("Bar Broski: You finish the quest yet? [yes/no] ")
			if done=="yes":  #MUST CONFIRM FLOUR/EGGS IS IN INV
				print "Bar Broski: Great Job! Here's $500 for your troble..."
				print "Reward 100xp!"
		print "Trav MCcoy: Welcome to my tavern. Many of the locals here have odd jobs for people that you can do. Quests give you exp to level up so do as many as you can."
		finishquest=raw_input("Are Ya Looking for a ")
		quest_list=("1)Chef's Helper")
		quest=raw_input("Bar Browski:Hey, You intrested in a quest? [yes/no] ")
		if quest=="yes":
			#link to menu
			print "Bar Browski: Alright another time then."
			#link to menu

Dont use classes if you dont understand how it work yet.
Use 4 space for indentations,no it look ugly.

Just to test you code.

currnt_quest = "Chef's Helper"

def taver_n():
    if currnt_quest == "Chef's Helper":
        done = raw_input("Bar Broski: You finish the quest yet? [yes/no] ")
        if done == "yes":  #MUST CONFIRM FLOUR/EGGS IS IN INV
            print "Bar Broski: Great Job! Here's $500 for your troble..."
            print "Reward 100xp!"
        #You need a else if no if answer.    
    print "Trav MCcoy: Welcome to my tavern. Many of the locals here have odd jobs for people that you can do. Quests give you exp to level up so do as many as you can."
    finishquest = raw_input("Are Ya Looking for a ")
    quest_list = ("1)Chef's Helper")
    quest = raw_input("Bar Browski:Hey, You intrested in a quest? [yes/no] ")
    if quest == "yes":
        print 'meny'
        #link to menu
        #manu = menu()
        print "Bar Browski: Alright another time then."
        print 'Meny'
        #link to menu
        #manu = menu()

You need a if/else now your code dos the same if you answer yes or no.

done = raw_input("Bar Broski: You finish the quest yet? [yes/no] ")
if done.lower() not in ['yes', 'no']:
   print "Do somethin"
    print 'Do something else'

Take small step and dont make to lagre function,if you make a text game make some time planning.

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