I created a class name -InterestedCompany.cs

namespace TestingProject
    class InterestedCompany
        string interests;

        public string Interests
            get { return interests; }
            set { interests = value; }

I have one more class name - Student.cs

namespace TestingProject 
    class Student :Person
        InterestedCompany x;

        internal InterestedCompany X
            get { return x; }
            set { x = value; }

in the main form I try to do

            Student v = new Student();
            v.X.Interests = "x";

but i get run time error why ?
how can i access into insertcompany ?

as InterestedCompany is a class in the student class you have to create the instance of it... preferably create constructor for student class:

public Student()
   this.x = new InterestedCompany();

or create an instance like that:

InterestedCompany x = new InterestedCompany();

inside of Student class...
I'm not sure which solution is better... I personally usually for such things create constructor...

 internal InterestedCompany X
            get { 
                        x=new InterestedCompany();
                    return x; 
            set { x = value; }

thank's it is working!

You're welcome. I'm glad you got it working. Please mark this thread as solved if you have found an answer to your question and good luck!

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