Well, blast. My first attempt took too long, and I autodisconnected.
Short version:
Not doing homework, on internship(first gainful employment).
Task: Make GUI for existing Console app that takes binary input file.
Milestone: By Monday, create windows App that displays output of binary and text input files using MFC.
Document/View Architecture optimal means to achive goal.
Not ready to attempt serialization yet.
Goal can be reached through parsing the input and creating multiple views based on single document, thus SDI is appropriate.
Current Status:
Have gone through crashcourse on C/C++ over last week and a half, understand the console App, have spent at least 60 hours going through online MFC tutorials, reading MSDN.net stuff, line-by-line study of MSDN samples.
1. The Document should logically be location where file I/O and parsing occurs, and the View should be where text is output to screen, right?
2. Why can't I just have a custom Override of CFileDialog residing in the CWinApp (in the project application) message map tell the document class that there's parsing to be done?
3. Why does a book I bought yesterday suggest that file I/O should be done in the View class?
4. I know that the ON_COMMAND message routing from view goes to the document as well if unresolved in view. Is that the proper solution?
Thanks in advance (and ctrl+c'ing this time...)
I have just found that I can call CFileDialog as part of my Document. While that makes me very happy, I can confidently say that I've no clue if that's appropriate or not. I think I should modify the BOOL OnOpenDocument reinitializer to do something in this case...