Hey all,

I'm what you could call a beginner database coder, so this may seem like a simple issue to some :D

I am using Visual Basic 2010 Express and a SQL Database.

I have a series of TextBoxes, ComboBoxes, and CheckBoxes that I would like to save to different fields in a database.

I don't have any code for this right now, as I am having difficulty finding a good resource on where to start.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

You can start to learn ADO.NET provider classes for MS-SQL server.

Wow, thank you very much! Just one search of ADO.NET provider classes brought up exactly what I needed.

Thanks again!

Could you please give me the addresses of the resources that you used? I am in a similar situation; i'm a beginner coder, that needs to insert data into a database from text files, combo boxes, and checkboxes, and I too am having difficulty in finding any kind of useful information.


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