
Could anybody explain me how to add the totals of a colomn in a database table?

Thanks in advance.


with adodb:

dim conn as adodb.connection
dim rs as adodb.recordset
dim y as integer    'could also be long, double, currency

set conn = new adodb.connection
set rs = new adodb.recordset

conn.open "{ConnectionString}"
rs.open "select * from tblMain",conn,3,3,1
	do while not rs.eof
		y = y + rs.fields("total").value 
                          ' or y = y + rs.fields(3).value
set rs = nothing
set conn = nothing 

debug.print Y

Try doing the total direct in your SQL

SELECT sum(column_name) as sum_column_name from table_name

Then use normal ADO/DAO or whatever to access the field sum_column_name

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