I need some advice from some of the more expert programmers on what path should I take further in my learning process. I started with PHP and now I can say I do ok, not an expert of course.
I like programming very much and I love PHP, it's a great language, but I think I would like to work with something that is a bit different, more challenging, something maybe not related to web exclusively.
Developing software, working on drivers, GUI apps (for Windows too) really excites me.
I don't wanna work excusively under Windows (I'm not a big fan of M$) though I've heard a lot of positive things about how great C# and the .NET framework are.
So my question is, what would you guys recommend me as a future programming language ? I was thinking about C and Java and C# actually(even with my dislike for M$), not so much C++ since I've seen that nowadays Java is used more instead.
What would you choose ? I like to know that I'm learning something upon which I can benefit in the future years to come (maybe find a job with). I'm willing to learn, so I don't think that will be a problem.
Would you suggest a differend language that I did not mention? Which?