I cannot seem to get the array to work and display the second and third loans, only the first one displays. Here is what I need to clarify the situation. I added the array to the program and it only works for the first loan. Can someone point me in the right direction.
Loan 1 15,000 12% 60 $333.67 $5,020.20 $20,020.20
Loan 2 15,000 10% 48 $xxx.xx $x.xxx $xx,xxx.xx
Loan 3 15,000 8% 36 $xxx.xx $x,xxx $xx,xxx.xx
// MortgageCalculatorProgram.java
// program to calculate mortgage
// Erik Voigt
// 05/16/10
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class MortgageCalculatorProgram
public static void main(String[] arguments)
// define variables, payments, principle, interest, rate, and loan information
double monthlyPayment;
double principal;
double interestRateYears;
double interestRateMonths;
int termYears;
int termMonths;
int linecount;
// will display balance, interest paid, principle, interest payments
double balance;
double interestPaid;
double principalPaid;
double monthlyInterestPayment;
double monthlyPrincipalPayment;
// assign values to each item
principal = 15000;
interestRateYears = .012;
interestRateMonths = (interestRateYears / 12) / 100;
termYears = 3;
termMonths = (termYears * 12);
monthlyInterestPayment = 0;
monthlyPrincipalPayment = 0;
balance = principal;
// display 10 lines of results at one time
linecount = 10;
// will only display two decimal places out
java.text.DecimalFormat dec = new java.text.DecimalFormat(",###.00");
// hard coded information per assignment
System.out.println("\n\n\t*** Mortgage Calculator ***\n\n" +
"\nLoan Amount: \t$" + dec.format(principal) +
"\nInterest Rate: \t" + interestRateYears +"%" +
"\nTerm (Years): \t" + termYears);
// will calculate monthly mortgage payment
monthlyPayment = (principal * interestRateMonths) /
(1 - Math.pow(1 + interestRateMonths, - termMonths));
// Print the information
System.out.println("\n\nBased on the information, " +
"the monthly payment amount will be: " +
"$" + dec.format(monthlyPayment));
// calculation
monthlyInterestPayment = (balance * interestRateMonths);
monthlyPrincipalPayment = (monthlyPayment - monthlyInterestPayment);
// provides columns
System.out.println("--------- \t--------- \t--------- \t---------");
// start the while loop
while (termMonths > 0)
// information to be displayed
System.out.println(termMonths + "\t\t$" + dec.format(monthlyPrincipalPayment) +
"\t\t$" + dec.format(monthlyInterestPayment) +
"\t\t$" + dec.format(balance - monthlyPrincipalPayment));
// decrement of months
// calculate interest and principal payments on the loan
monthlyInterestPayment = (balance * interestRateMonths);
monthlyPrincipalPayment = (monthlyPayment - monthlyInterestPayment);
balance = (balance - monthlyPrincipalPayment);
// this will cause the results to pause
if(linecount == 10)
linecount = 0;
catch (InterruptedException e)
// end if
// end else
// end while
// end main
class MortgageArray1
public static void main(String[] arguments)
double amount = 15000;
int[]term = {36, 48, 60};
double[] rate = {.012, .010, .008};
DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat("$000.00");
System.out.println("With the loan amount of " +twoDigits.format
for (int i = 0; i < rate.length; i++)
System.out.print("for " + term[i] + " years");
System.out.print("\tat a rate of " + rate[i]);
double payment = (amount*(rate[i]/12))/(1-(Math.pow(1/(1+(rate
System.out.println("\tThe monthly payment will be " +