So I have two forms. I want the information i input to text boxes in form one, to show up in text boxes on form two.
The txtONE - TWELVE belong to form1 and the Form2.Adj/Adv/Noun etcetera belong to Form2
Public Class Form1
Public Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
txtONE.Text = Form2.AdjOne.Text
txtTWO = Form2.NounOne
txtTHREE = Form2.verbPTone
txtFOUR = Form2.AdvOne
txtFIVE = Form2.AdjTwo
txtSIX = Form2.NounTwo
txtSEVEN = Form2.NounThree
txtEIGHT = Form2.AdjThree
txtNINE = Form2.verbOne
txtTEN = Form2.AdvTwo
txtELEVEN = Form2.verbPTtwo
txtTWELVE = Form2.AdjFour