Hello Daniweb,

Could anyone please point me to an example implementation of a dynamic memory allocator that uses Segregated Fits with allocations from the front and insertions at the end? I've been trying to figure out a way to implement one, but I just don't know where to start.

with allocations from the front and insertions at the end

You mean a Queue?

/*							     */
/* queue.c 						     */
/* Demo of dynamic data structures in C                      */

#include <stdio.h>

#define FALSE 0
#define NULL 0

typedef struct {
    int     dataitem;
    struct listelement *link;
}               listelement;

void Menu (int *choice);
listelement * AddItem (listelement * listpointer, int data);
listelement * RemoveItem (listelement * listpointer);
void PrintQueue (listelement * listpointer);
void ClearQueue (listelement * listpointer);

main () {
    listelement listmember, *listpointer;
    int     data,

    listpointer = NULL;
    do {
	Menu (&choice);
	switch (choice) {
	    case 1: 
		printf ("Enter data item value to add  ");
		scanf ("%d", &data);
		listpointer = AddItem (listpointer, data);
	    case 2: 
		if (listpointer == NULL)
		    printf ("Queue empty!\n");
		    listpointer = RemoveItem (listpointer);
	    case 3: 
		PrintQueue (listpointer);

	    case 4: 

		printf ("Invalid menu choice - try again\n");
    } while (choice != 4);
    ClearQueue (listpointer);
}				/* main */

void Menu (int *choice) {

    char    local;

    printf ("\nEnter\t1 to add item,\n\t2 to remove item\n\
\t3 to print queue\n\t4 to quit\n");
    do {
	local = getchar ();
	if ((isdigit (local) == FALSE) && (local != '\n')) {
	    printf ("\nyou must enter an integer.\n");
	    printf ("Enter 1 to add, 2 to remove, 3 to print, 4 to quit\n");
    } while (isdigit ((unsigned char) local) == FALSE);
    *choice = (int) local - '0';

listelement * AddItem (listelement * listpointer, int data) {

    listelement * lp = listpointer;

    if (listpointer != NULL) {
	while (listpointer -> link != NULL)
	    listpointer = listpointer -> link;
	listpointer -> link = (struct listelement  *) malloc (sizeof (listelement));
	listpointer = listpointer -> link;
	listpointer -> link = NULL;
	listpointer -> dataitem = data;
	return lp;
    else {
	listpointer = (struct listelement  *) malloc (sizeof (listelement));
	listpointer -> link = NULL;
	listpointer -> dataitem = data;
	return listpointer;

listelement * RemoveItem (listelement * listpointer) {

    listelement * tempp;
    printf ("Element removed is %d\n", listpointer -> dataitem);
    tempp = listpointer -> link;
    free (listpointer);
    return tempp;

void PrintQueue (listelement * listpointer) {

    if (listpointer == NULL)
	printf ("queue is empty!\n");
	while (listpointer != NULL) {
	    printf ("%d\t", listpointer -> dataitem);
	    listpointer = listpointer -> link;
    printf ("\n");

void ClearQueue (listelement * listpointer) {

    while (listpointer != NULL) {
	listpointer = RemoveItem (listpointer);

Code is not mine. but I do

Thanks for the help Nisheeth, but the crux of my problem is the implementation of segregated fit. I have an example of an implicit free list with first fit infront of me, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to start converting what I know about this implicit free list into a segregated free list. Example code of such a memory allocator is hard to find.

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