
I need something like a combination of a TabControl and a Panel. Such a tool is used in many applications, but I think the best example is a simple installation file. During installing process you have to complete a set of stages. (You go to the next one clicking the button "Next"). The thing is that all those "stages" have different structure, but still they are displayed in the same window. What's the name of the component which contains all these "stages"?

I realize it's possible to do it using panels, but in fact it's hard to work on let's say 20 different panels on top on each other. (while creating and designing them)

TabControl also is bad, because of the labels at the top of it. Even if you remove them using some complicated functions there is still a grey space where the labels were.

The component I need should be easy to edit while developing and look like panels when compiled.


I would just do this with panels. Make an array of the panels, and when you click next, have this code:

int current = 0;
Next_Click (etc)
    panel[current].visible = true;
Back_Click (etc)
    panel[current].visible = true;
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