How do i incoporate this countdown timer into my main? ive given it a go but it comes up a black screen..
/* clock example: countdown */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
void wait ( int seconds )
clock_t endwait;
endwait = clock () + seconds * CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
while (clock() < endwait) {}
int main ()
int n;
printf ("Starting countdown...\n");
for (n=10; n>0; n--)
printf ("%d\n",n);
wait (1);
printf ("FIRE!!!\n");
return 0;
//---------------- includes ----------------
#include "global.h"
#include "SDL.h"
//---------------- global variables ----------------
Uint8 *keystates;
SDL_Surface *screen; //the screen (main sdl surface which is visible on the monitor)
gfxSprite spr_t[7];
gfxSprite spr_player[2];
gfxSprite spr_player2[2];
gfxSprite spr_cross[];
gfxSprite spr_energy[];
gfxSprite spr_nuclear[];
gfxSprite spr_background;
gfxFont font;
//game objects
CPlayer player;
CPlayer player2;
CMap map;
CTile tileset[9];
//scroll offset
int scroll_x = 0;
int scroll_y = 0;
struct data //Data Abstraction, each variable holds this info.
{char name[20]; //20 characters for a name
int score;}; //score
void score(data[],int,data); //pass array a, how many elements in a,array b into
//score function
//---------------- main ----------------
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
unsigned int framestart;
float fps = 0, framefps = 0;
int divisor;
bool done;
SDL_Event event;
//---------------- init the "engine" ----------------
//initialize SDL
gfx_init(640,480, false);
//get keystate array
keystates = SDL_GetKeyState(0);
//---------------- load resources (graphics) ----------------
spr_t[0].init("gfx/t1.bmp"); //tile graphics
spr_t[2].init("gfx/t3.bmp", 255, 0, 255);
spr_t[3].init("gfx/tsloper.bmp", 255, 0, 255);
spr_t[4].init("gfx/tslopel.bmp", 255, 0, 255);
spr_t[5].init("gfx/t6.bmp", 255, 0, 255);
spr_t[6].init("gfx/t7.bmp", 255, 0, 255);
spr_player[0].init("gfx/left2.bmp", 255,0,255); //player graphics
spr_player[1].init("gfx/right2.bmp", 255,0,255);
spr_player2[0].init("gfx/Rleft.bmp", 255,0,255); //player graphics
spr_player2[1].init("gfx/Rright.bmp", 255,0,255);
spr_background.init("gfx/bg.bmp"); //background
font.init("gfx/font0.bmp"); //font
//---------------- init the game variables ----------------
tileset[0].type = t_nonsolid; tileset[0].spr = NULL;
tileset[1].type = t_solid; tileset[1].spr = NULL;
tileset[2].type = t_solid; tileset[2].spr = &spr_t[0];
tileset[3].type = t_solid; tileset[3].spr = &spr_t[1];
tileset[4].type = t_nonsolid; tileset[4].spr = &spr_t[2];
tileset[5].type = t_sloperight; tileset[5].spr = &spr_t[3];
tileset[6].type = t_slopeleft; tileset[6].spr = &spr_t[4];
tileset[7].type = t_solid; tileset[7].spr = &spr_t[5];
tileset[8].type = t_solid; tileset[8].spr = &spr_t[6];
//initialize the map, the player has already been initialized by its constructor
printf("\nhere comes the game loop...\n") ;
done = false;
//---------------- game loop ----------------
while (!done){
framestart = SDL_GetTicks();
//handle messages
case SDL_QUIT:
done = true;
if(keystates[SDLK_ESCAPE]) //quit?
done = true;
//---------------- update objects (game logic) ----------------
//---------------- draw everything (render the scene) ----------------
int sdx = (scroll_x%spr_background.getWidth());
int sdy = (scroll_y%spr_background.getHeight());
spr_background.draw(-sdx, - sdy);
spr_background.draw(spr_background.getWidth() - sdx, -sdy);
spr_background.draw(- sdx, spr_background.getHeight()-sdy);
spr_background.draw(spr_background.getWidth() - sdx, spr_background.getHeight()-sdy);
//the info text
//font.drawf(0,0, "fps: frame/real/lock: %.1f/%.1f/%.1f", framefps, fps, (float)(1000 / WAITTIME));
//---------------- that's it, now flip the buffers and keep the framerate constant ----------------
divisor = SDL_GetTicks()-framestart;
if(divisor != 0)
framefps = (float)( 1000 / divisor ); //this is the framerate without vsync and the frame break
fps = 1111.11f;
SDL_Flip(screen); //double buffering -> flip buffers, also waits for vsync
while((SDL_GetTicks()-framestart) < WAITTIME); //framebreak - keep framerate constant at 1000/WAITTIME fps
divisor = SDL_GetTicks()-framestart;
if(divisor != 0)
fps = (float)( 1000 / (SDL_GetTicks()-framestart) ); //this is the framerate with vsync and the framebreak (should be equal to 1000/WAITTIME)
fps = 1111.11f;
return 0;//end program
void score(data a[],int d,data b)
data temp; //need temp data for switching
if (b.score>a[4].score) //if b.score is bigger than a[4].score
{a[4]=b; //make the last score of the list equal to b(score just entered)
for (int i=d-1;i>0;i--) //now that the score is on the list, just check and sort
if (b.score>a[i-1].score)
{temp=a[i]; //switch - if the 5th spot is bigger than
a[i]=a[i-1]; //the 4th spot,switch. If 4th spot is bigger
a[i-1]=temp;} //than 3rd spot, switch. etc...