hey guys, im having a slight issue with overwriting a certain record that is selected by a user
Basically my application is meant to get user in puts and store them in a file which is refered to when updating, adding a new record, deleting, searching etc
here is the just of it
Select 1 to create a file
Select 2 to show all records
Select 3 to Add a record
Select 4 to update a record
select 5 to delete a record
so far everything up to 3 works... including a search function used to update and delete a record specified by the user
heres the code anyway
//This is used to display the recently modified, or added
//record for the useres info
void displayRecord()
fstream recordFile;
recordFile.open( "H:\\records.txt", ios::in);
recordFile.seekg(-sizeof(participant), ios::cur );
participant person;
cout << "\n\t**********Current Record**********";
recordFile.read((char*) &person, sizeof (participant));
cout << endl;
cout << "\nName: \t\t" << person.name
<< "\nAge: \t\t" << person.age
<< "\nGender: \t" << person.gender
<< "\nBelt: \t\t" << person.belt
<< "\nWeight: \t" << person.weight
<< "\nHeight: \t" << person.height
<< "\nDate modified: \t" << ctime(&person.modified);
//This is the update of the record where the user selects a choice thorugh a
//switch statement which goes to the search (below) and sends it back here
//once the choice of record to be modified has been entered
void updateRecord()
fstream recordFile;
/*this below is where i think the issue lies for some reason
the ios::ate | ios::out | ios::app is not editing the field in the
manner i would like, in one way it would just append in another
it would overwrite and append, and the last just clears info*/
recordFile.open( "H:\\records.txt", ios::binary | ios::ate );
participant person;
cout << "\t**********Edit a new Record**********\n\n";
cout << "\nPlease specify the participants gender: ";
cin >> person.gender;
cout << "\nPlease enter the participants belt category: ";
cin >> person.belt;
cout << "\nPlease enter the participants name: ";
cin >> person.name;
cout << "\nPlease enter the participants age: ";
cin >> person.age;
cout << "\nPlease enter the participants wieght: ";
cin >> person.weight;
cout<< "\nPlease enter the participants height (in cm): ";
cin >> person.height;
//recordFile.seekp(0, ios::cur); i used this just to see what would happen
recordFile.write((char*) &person, sizeof(participant)); // i also tried using
//recordFile.write( reinterpret_cast < const char * >( &person), participant( //Tools ) );
cout << "Below is the submitted record";
//searches for a specific record by going through the participants entry number
//and subtracting 1 to get its record location (ps this works the above bit doesnt)
void search()
cout << "\t**********Search for a record**********\n\n";
fstream recordFile;
recordFile.open( "H:\\records.txt", ios::in | ios::binary);
int participantNum;
participant person;
cout << "Which Participant would you like to search for: ";
cin >> participantNum;
recordFile.seekg((participantNum - 1)*sizeof(participant), ios::beg);
if (recordFile.eof() && participantNum == 0)
recordFile.read((char*) &person, sizeof (participant));
cout << "\n\nReading request please hold...";