I have recently been experimenting wih an AIML bot (located here, it's open source: http://ntoll.org/article/project-an-aiml-chatterbot-in-c). The link to the documentation is broken however, so I am having a lot of difficulty trying to get it to run.
Currently the bot is reading and loading all the necessary .xml files to run, but every time I give it input to respond to it times out. I have had to modify the source code already to get it to read the necessary .xml files, to prevent editing the source code further I think it would be a good idea to ask if anyone has had luck with the bot. So far my code looks like this:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Bot x = new Bot();
FileInfo testFile = new FileInfo("C:\\development\\AIMLbot\\AIMLbot\\ConfigurationFiles\\Client.xml");
if (testFile.Exists)
XmlDocument loadxmldoc = new XmlDocument();
x.loadAIMLFromXML(loadxmldoc, "client.xml");
Console.WriteLine("written xml document to bot");
User stu = new User("Stuart", x);
Request Question = new Request("what are you?", stu, x);
Result Answer = x.Chat(Question);
Every time the program runs through the writeline function fires off with the "written xml document to bot", but the second writeline function prints a single white space.
I have linked to the necessary library and am using the namespace AIMLbot. If anyone has sucessfully used the aimlbot2.5 please let me know how you did it.