I am losing a value in the array with my bubble sorting and the sorting does nothing.
Here is the Items Class
public class Items
// * A String instance variable to hold the item name
private String itemName;
// * A double instance variable to hold the price
private double itemPrice;
// * A constructor that takes a String and double to initialize the instance variables
// public Items ()
// {
// //used for sorting
// }
public Items (String itemName, double itemPrice)
this.itemPrice = itemPrice;
this.itemName = itemName;
// * A get and set method for each instance variable
public String getName()
return itemName;
public double getPrice()
return itemPrice;
public void setItemName(String someItem)
itemName = someItem;
public void setItemPrice(double somePrice)
itemPrice = somePrice;
public String toString()
return "Item: " + itemName + " price:" + itemPrice;
Here is the Class that creates the array and sorts the array by price and by name
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
// Once you have this class created, you write a second class named CoffeeDriver. This class has the following methods:
public class CoffeeDriver
// sortName – this method sorts the array of items by item name and then displays the name and price of all items on the screen
public static void sortName(Items arr[])
// sorts array by name and displays the items and prices
int x;
Items temp;
for (x = 0; x < arr.length; x ++)
{ if(arr[x].getName().compareTo(arr[x+1].getName()) > 0)
{ temp = arr[x]; arr[x] = arr[x+1]; arr[x+1] = temp; }
// sortPrice – this method sorts the array of items by item price and then displays the name and price of all items on the screen
public static void sortPrice(Items arr[])
// sorts the array by price and displays the list
int x;
Items temp;
for (x = 0; x < arr.length; x++)
{ if(arr[x].getPrice() > arr[x+1].getPrice())
{ temp = arr[x]; arr[x] = arr[x+1]; arr[x+1] = temp; }
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, arr[x]);
// main - It creates an array of Item objects using the data above to set each Item's information.
public static void main(String []args)
String userSorted;
int x;
Items arr[] = new Items[5];
arr[0] = new Items("Coffee", 1.00);
arr[1] = new Items("Water", 2.00);
arr[2] = new Items("Milk", 1.50);
arr[3] = new Items("Bagel", 1.25);
arr[4] = new Items("Donut", 0.75);
int selectSort;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Welcome to The Coffee Shop!");
userSorted = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please indicate how you would like to sort the menu. To sort by price, press 1. To sort by name, press 2. To exit the program, press 3.");
selectSort = Integer.parseInt(userSorted);
// insert do while loop here
if (selectSort == 1);
if (selectSort == 2);
if (selectSort == 3);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thank you for using Wings Coffee Shop. Have a great day!");
I know the brackets are off a bit but any help with the sorting would be appreciated.