So there's a handsheet that my professor gave me as a guideline to follow. It gives us the prototype of the functions and that's IT. However, when I put in the prototype and fill in the body, an error comes up in regards to a conversion error. Any help?

Here's my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Cust.h"	

using namespace std;

typedef Customer ItemType;

class LinkedList
		class Node 
				ItemType info;
			    Node * next;
		typedef Node * NodePointer;
		void insertItem(const ItemType &element);
		bool deleteItem(const ItemType &element);

		NodePointer first;
		int mySize;	

And my implementation file:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "LinkedList.h"

using namespace std;

	first = 0;
	mySize = 0;

void LinkedList::insertItem(const ItemType &element)
	NodePointer ptr, prevPtr, newPtr;
	bool found;

	NodePointer newPtr = new Node(element);

	newPtr->next = 0;
	if(first == 0)
		first->next = newPtr;
	if(first != 0)
		first = ptr;
		found = false;
		while(ptr != 0 && !found)
			if(ptr->info >= newPtr->info)
				found = true;
				ptr = prevPtr;
				ptr->next = ptr;
	if(ptr == first)
		newPtr->next = first;
		first->next = newPtr;
	if(ptr != first)
		prevPtr->next = newPtr;
		newPtr->next = ptr;

I know I probably won't finish this program as it is due in about 4 hours lol. But I would GREATLY appreciate it if someone helped me out as soon as they were able to. Thank you forum! :D

To make it easier for someone to help, please post the compiler error along with the code. Just saying that the compiler says that there is a conversion error is too vague. The only problem I can see be whatever code you have provided is that you have declared 'newPtr' twice in 'insertItem' function.

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