I am working on some code for getting user input on what songs they want for a dance. Unfortunately, when running the applet with some html, java opens a window saying

Java has discovered application components that could indicate a security concern

three times, and no matter what you click, The program does the same thing. Also, I hava music in the background, and it starts three different times (which is quite annoying!)

I have "jarsigned" the file, but this error keeps popping up...

Check it out here :

Click the plus to end the music and the applet


It's not an error. Its a warning to the user that the code being executed could be dangerous.
Why do you need to sign the applet? What does it do that requires permission?

Just tried your applet and got following error message in Java console:
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission exitVM.0)

Applets should NOT use System.exit()

It's not an error. Its a warning to the user that the code being executed could be dangerous.
Why do you need to sign the applet? What does it do that requires permission?

Just tried your applet and got following error message in Java console:
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission exitVM.0)

Applets should NOT use System.exit()

Was the System.exit(); when you used the green button? Because it still has some work to do, and I am going to modify the green button's actionlistener soon. Also, did you have your sound on? I noticed that the song starts more than once!


Nevermind, it appears that it is just my computer...


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