Now, I may have bitten off a bit more than I can chew with this promised program for my pops, but I am confident, with time, I can puzzle out a solution with some help!
Background Info: My father is a doctor responsible for monthly schedules, usually penciled painstakingly on a calendar and then typed up onto a computer calendar template- a frustrating process I hope to expedite by converting this manual monthly project to a few-clicks-of-a-button-computer-program.
The Assignment: Medical Employee Schedule/Calendar Generator
Ultimately the Program Should be Able to Generate a Monthly Calendar/Schedule following these rules:
Monday - Friday
Each Day: 2 Doctors must work the 8 hour morning; 1 Doctor must work the 16 hour evening
Saturday - Sunday
Each Day: 1 Doctor must work for a complete 24-hour day
**Note the 16 and 24 Hour timeframes = Employee "On Call"
Meet the Employees!
#1) Works 1 (16 hour) weekday & 1 (24 hour) weekend per week
Jesse --> Wednesdays & Saturdays OR Thursdays & Sundays
#2) Works 1 (16 hour) weekday per week
Daniel --> Mondays OR Tuesdays
#3) Works 1 (16 hour) weekday OR 1 (24 hour) weekend per week
Maria --> Wednesdays OR Sundays
#4,5,6) Works 1 (16 hour) weekday per week
Marty, Betty, Porto --> Each employee must work at least 1 Friday per month, responsible for most weekday mornings
#7) Employee "X" = "Leftovers"
The day an employee is working 16 or 24 hours, he/she cannot work the morning-of, or the day after!!
"The Math of the Program"
Now all this info may seem intimidating/confusing but I have figured out (I think?) how the program would go about creating each weeks schedule:
Program assigns each of the employees to each of the days in the following order:
Friday -> Saturday -> Sunday -> Weekdays
Sample Month Schedule:
Week #1
Porto on call Friday
Jesse on call Saturday & Wednesday
Maria on call Sunday
Daniel on call Monday
Marty on call Tuesday
Betty on call Thursday
Marty & Betty work Monday Morning
Porto & Betty work Tuesday Morning
Porto & Betty work Wednesday Morning
Marty & Porto work Thursday Morning
Marty & X work Friday Morning
Week #2
Marty on call Friday
X on call Saturday
Jesse on call Sunday & Thursday
Daniel on call Tuesday
Maria on call Wednesday
Porto on call Monday
Betty & Marty work Monday Morning
Betty & Marty work Tuesday Morning
Porto & Betty work Wednesday Morning
Marty & Porto work Thursday Morning
Betty & Porto work Friday Morning
Week #3
Betty on call Friday
Jesse on call Saturday & Wednesday
Maria on call Sunday
Daniel on call Monday
Porto on call Tuesday
Marty on call Thursday
Marty & Betty work Monday Morning
Marty & Betty work Tuesday Morning
Marty & Betty work Wednesday Morning
Porto & Betty Work Thursday Morning
Porto & X Work Friday Morning
Week #4
Porto on call Friday
X on call Saturday
Jesse on call Sunday & Thursday
Daniel on call Tuesday
Maria on call Wednesday
Betty on call Monday
Marty & Porto work Monday Morning
Porto & Marty work Tuesday Morning
Betty & Porto work Wednesday Morning
Betty & Porto work Thursday Morning
Marty & Betty work Friday Morning
Really, I don't need any specific code written up for me in this thread, no handouts!
My primary question/request is some basic direction - how I should start coding?
Should I start by first creating/using a monthly calendar generator/program?
Is there one already out there?
If so, how would I then integrate/combine the above info into the calendar app?
Just need a push in the right direction!
Thanks in advance.
P.S. I am using python 3.1