Hello Daniweb users, I am developing a small client for messaging, the messaging part is okay! :)
Now the problem is with the GUI. I want to implement a "tabbed chat interface", similar to that of MSN or iChat. I am implementing a JTabbedPane for each "window".
My problem is, how would I add all of my components into each tabbed pane? As in, my text area, message output window, send button and etc., into each of the individual tabbed panes?
I am aware of the "add" function within the JTabbedPane, but could I implement a a layout system for it?
Also, how would I allow the program to know what tab to pass the messages into? As in, what JEditorPane, which was created dynamically?
Sorry for asking so many questions! But this is my first experience with a practical swing application (:
All help appreciated.