I'm trying to write a Tic Tac Toe game but I'm stuck at the computer AI. Basically for the computer move I need a random generator to pick a number and insert it into a 2D array.
The parts that I'm stuck at is writing a code so that computer doesn't pick a number that has been taken either by player X or has been previously been picked by computer O. I've tried several different things but can't get anything to work. If you guys know of any solutions that would be of great help.
Here is what I got:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define MAX_ROWS 3
#define MAX_COLS 3
// Function Decleration
void welcomeMsg ();
void printGrid (char grid[][MAX_COLS]);
void gridMove (char grid[][MAX_COLS]);
int main (void)
//Local Declarations (most of these variables are just for testing, they are
//not actually used by program.
char position, move;
int rowOne, rowTwo, rowThree;
int colmOne, colmTwo, colmThree;
int diagOne, diagTwo;
int row, colum;
int randRow, randColum;
int range, randNo;
int index;
char empty;
int i, j;
int availableSp = 9;
srand ( time(NULL) );
//2D array Initialization
char table[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLS] =
{'1', '2', '3'},
{'4', '5', '6'},
{'7', '8', '9'}
}; //table
//This is just a function that prints welcome message
printf("Select X or O (X moves first)? ");
scanf(" %c", &move);
//Checks rows, colums, and diagonals for a winner.
rowOne = (table[0][0] == table[0][1] && table[0][0] == table[0][2]);
rowTwo = (table[1][0] == table[1][1] && table[1][0] == table[1][2]);
rowThree = (table[2][0] == table[2][1] && table[2][0] == table[2][2]);
colmOne = (table[0][0] == table[1][0] && table[0][0] == table[2][0]);
colmTwo = (table[0][1] == table[1][1] && table[0][1] == table[2][1]);
colmThree = (table[0][2] == table[1][2] && table[0][2] == table[2][2]);
diagOne = (table[0][0] == table[1][1] && table[0][0] == table[2][2]);
diagTwo = (table[0][2] == table[1][1] && table[0][2] == table[2][0]);
if (rowOne || rowTwo || rowThree || colmOne || colmTwo || colmThree || diagOne || diagTwo == 1) break;
printGrid (table);
//Player Move
printf("Enter the number of an available space, you are X: ");
scanf("%d", &index);
row = (index - 1) / 3;
colum = (index - 1) % 3;
table[row][colum] = 'X';
//Computer Move, and this is the part that I'm stuck at.
range = (availableSp - 1) + 1;
randNo = rand() % range + 1;
randRow = (randNo - 1) / 3;
randColum = (randNo - 1) % 3;
if ((table[randRow][randColum] != 'X') && (table[randRow][randColum] != 'O'))
table[randRow][randColum] = 'O';
printf("\nThe computer picked space %d\n", randNo);
printf("\n%d\n\n", availableSp);
} while (availableSp > 0);
if (rowOne || rowTwo || rowThree || colmOne || colmTwo || colmThree || diagOne || diagTwo == 1)
printf("You Won\n\n");
printGrid (table);
return 0;
} // main
Any help would be greatly appreciated.