I am using Bloodshed Dev C++ but I am having a tough time understanding how to use their debugger... I can't get it to single step. It tells me there is no debugging information, I let it include debugging information when it aks me for permission to but still no single step. I try again and it again asks if I want to include debugging information and again I tell it OK but still no single step.

I read an old pdf that talked about needing to use Insight's debugger but I suspect that is no longer necessary as there doesn't seem to even be a Windows build of it available and given that Dev now has built-in debugging. Other than this major obstacle, I really like Dev and wish that I could get his working.

Also, I can never seem to get a watch set on a variable either...

I have tried using a Project and not using Project... no difference that I can see.

thanks in advance,

Dev-C++ is very outdated. When I started with C++, a little over a year ago, that was my first IDE. I'll be honest, i hated it. None of the features worked properly or in a timely fashion, the code complete would cause a crash 75% of the time. I got fed up and started using Visual Studio 2008 and haven't looked back. I suggest you do the same. The debugger and the code completion (called "intellisense") are 100x better.

I haven't used Code::Blocks much, but alot of people really like it as well.

Dev-C++ is very outdated. When I started with C++, a little over a year ago, that was my first IDE. I'll be honest, i hated it. None of the features worked properly or in a timely fashion, the code complete would cause a crash 75% of the time. I got fed up and started using Visual Studio 2008 and haven't looked back. I suggest you do the same. The debugger and the code completion (called "intellisense") are 100x better.

I haven't used Code::Blocks much, but alot of people really like it as well.

I am checking out wxDev C++ right now... it is better but still quite slow. I have VS2005 (I think) on one of my laptops at home and I am trying to get used to it. It sure has some neat features in terms of watches. I will see if it is 2005 or 2008, I don't remember. I do know it was free, is 2008 free? I don't mind paying for good software, in fact I often will send donations to people who make apps that I like (such as NeoSmart for their EasyBCD) but I like to be able to check them out first.


VisualStudio has a free edition (called the Express edition).
It has some downsides though if you plan to release your programs to the public(requires microsoft c++ redistributables to be installed on the target system, but it mostly is already).

I've used VS when I started, but have since moved to Code::Blocks and I absolutely love it ;). VS is great.. but C::B just feels better for me, and I love that I can just change some behavior if I don't like it and recompile.

Yeah I switched from Dev-C++ to Code::Blocks when I figured out it was really out of date. Dev-C++ is a pretty nice compiler because everything is pretty easy to use but I suggest you move on sooner before you get too attached.

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