
Does anybody out there know of some open source projects that uses Java and would be happy to accept another developer?

I am busy with a skills upgrade effort (not to mention that I am looking to build my Java knowledge). Right now I am learning design patterns and I have more learnings planned in the pipe line.

I would like to join an open source team which uses good software development practice because I really want to become a better developer but need both practice and some guidance. However the only open source projects that I know uses either C++ or C. I suppose I can learn either of those languages but since I want to build a Java career I would rather build on my Java skills.

Another thing I would like to know is if I join an open source community and I do some good development work for them can I put that on a CV (resume) and give some of those guys as references? I am currently working for a company that uses C# so I might need some references if I apply for Java jobs.


What actually you want Mr.Unbidden Ghost? For asking Open source projects was ok. It might acceptable. What necessary for saying all these that "I am busy with a skills upgrade effort. Another thing I would like to know is if I join an open source community and I do some good development work for them can I put that on a CV (resume) and give some of those guys as references? " . What was all these? DANIWEB is a good discussion community. Don't break that pride. I hope you understood.

>>mr jayavardan

a bit difficult to understand but i guess you are trying to say that i should not say anything unless it has some point?

well apart from the fact that it has some point (it would better enable someone to guide me to a proper community if that person knows my purpose) i would suggest that you practice what you preach.

i do not understand why you are saying a whole lot of nothing since you dont exactly add anything to the conversation. i hope you understand.

@Jayavardhan you misunderstand original question

@Unbidden Ghost did you check links from my previous post?

It might be useful if you were to give us some ideas of what you're interested in working on. FOSS development is really a matter of "scratching your own itch" - find something that you think needs to be done, and do it. If you were to tell us what sorts of things you care about, someone might be able to steer you to something.

Do you use open source software? is there anything you use that seems broken? Go fix it.

>>what i am looking for

I am looking for a coding project where I can learn proper software engineering technique. This is so I can learn how to apply good software engineering principles and techniques or at the very least observe somebody with the necessary skill and experience do it.

I am looking for any software project with a code base so large that some software engineering techniques are inevitable if the product is to succeed. I am a good enough programmer when it comes to smaller projects. I have successfully coded several smaller systems of around 3000 to 5000 lines of code. But I have coded one or two bigger systems and screwed it up real good. The code would compile and give the correct outputs but problems with maintenance, readability and how easy it is to change or add new functionality would kill me. Hence my skill building program which basically involves design patterns, refactoring, package development, proper use of object orientation etc.

A further requirement is that there actually need to be some developers on the project that knows how to do things the right way since it would be best to learn from the example set by these people.

Yes I do use open source software. My own computer (not work pc) uses linux and a whole suit of open source software. But as I said none of these projects actually are coded in Java.

>>Peter Budo

sorry but i dont see any links. I have looked again just now and I am sure there are none.

>>peter bodu

sorry but i do see it now. i guess i am to used to click-able hyper-links. apologies and thanks. i am going to look through the list. hopefully there is something for me.

Yes I do use open source software. My own computer (not work pc) uses linux and a whole suit of open source software.

Well if you are on linux, the office suite that you are using will be OpenOffice, which is one of the largest Open Source Java efforts.

> I am looking for a coding project where I can learn proper
> software engineering technique.

Effort comes first, guidance next. Just think of something cool you've always wanted to implement and start off with whatever you have. Give it your best shot. It need not be pretty, it need not be awesome, it just needs to work the way you want it to be. The good thing about bad code is that it manifests itself. As your code grows, you might start realizing that things look a bit awkward and there surely must be a better way of doing things. *Then* start looking for projects which are similar to yours.

A better idea would be to try to mimic a small idea for which a good open source solution already exists. Comparing your code with the reference implementation after you are done would give you a new perspective on how things *could* have been done. Diving straight into any significant piece of open source code would only bore/detract you IMO. Good luck. :-)

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