Hi I am from a Visual Basic background, and if you're still reading this after that admission I could use your help..
I'm trying to learn VC++ and MFC and I'm just trying to work this out. In VB, you could have either a Winsock ActiveX control or use the API- either way, it's methods were public and useable by any procedure. Similarly there was an event for receiving data which fired when anything arrived.
My learning aid app is a dialog based MFC app and I'd like to be able to connect to a server, send strings to it, and see what comesback. The dialog has an Edit control (Edit1) for the server hostname, another (Edit2) for the port number, and a Button (button1) for 'Connect'.
The Edit controls ar einitialised on application start to:
// TODO: Add extra initialization here
m_strEdit1 = "pop3.blueyonder.co.uk";
m_strEdit2 = "110";
Button1 (connect) button event handler does this:
void CTest5Dlg::OnButton1()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
int nPort;
nPort= atoi(m_strEdit2);
CSocket m_sConnectSocket;
CString m_message = "";
int len ;
DWORD sent;
len =m_message.GetLength();
sent = m_sConnectSocket.Send(m_message,len);
char *pBuf = new char[1025];
int iBuf = 1024;
DWORD iRcvd;
CString Recvd= "Test";
iRcvd = m_sConnectSocket.Receive(pBuf,iBuf);
pBuf[iRcvd] = NULL;
Recvd = pBuf;
<< moderator edit: added [code][/code] tags >>
When you click the button, the connection is made and lo and behold, you get '+Blueyonder pop3 server ready.' appearing in the list box control.
Now what I want to do is, bearing in mind the TCP connection is still up, is to send more strings from an Edit control and another button- but I can't figure out for the life of me:
a) how you globally create the socket instance so it is accessible by many procedures (well, button event handlers mainly) and
b) can I globally trap incoming data..
any thoughts/suggestions welcome.. (stick to VB?!)
There is, I see, in the CSocket class an 'OnReceive' handler- how on earth do I get data from this into controls on my main dialog- a different class altogether and obviously, if I just include code like
for example, I get an error sayong the control isn't declared. Well, this is true, but how do you share controls between classes in this case?
Thanks for reading this...
Regards, Alan.