i wrote this code for a simple life game loosely based on Conway's. I wrote an 40x40 integer matrix with random numbers and a 40x40 char matrix based on the previous one, where the numbers 0 to 3 generate an X (alive cell) and the numbers upper 4 generate an . (dead cell). There's two functions in the ´program, geracao (applys the conditions of life game) and imprimirmatriz (prints the new char matrix after applyed conditions). I'm having problems with implementation of the conditions of the game. I tryed to define the 8 possible neighbours of a cell but when trying to define the conditions the instructions it's been too long. Anyone suggest how to rewrite the red part with a not so messy code. Thanks.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
//Define the 8 possíbles neighbours of a cell
#define V1 (B[i-1][j])
#define V2 (B[i][j+1])
#define V3 (B[i+1][j])
#define V4 (B[i][j-1])
#define V5 (B[i-1][j-1])
#define V6 (B[i-1][j+1])
#define V7 (B[i+1][j-1])
#define V8 (B[i+1][j+1])
//Define conditions
//Condition 1: All neighbours are alive (X)
//Condição 2: Any three neighbours are alive (X)
//Condição 3: Two any neighbours are alive (X)
#define COND1 (V1==V2==V3==V4==V5==V6==V7==V8=='X')
#define COND2 (V1==V2==V3=='X') || (V1==V2==V4=='X') || (V1==V2==V5=='X') || (V1==V2==V6=='X') || (V1==V2==V7=='X') || (V1==V2==V8=='X') || (V2==V3==V4=='X') || (V2==V3==V5=='X') || (V2==V3==V6=='X') || (V2==V3==V7=='X') || (V2==V3==V8=='X') || (V3==V4==V1=='X') || (V3==V4==V5=='X') || (V3==V4==V6=='X') || (V3==V4==V7=='X') || (V3==V4==V8=='X') || (V3==V5==V1=='X')
#define COND3 (V1=='X' && V2=='X') || (V1=='X' && V3=='X') || (V1=='X' && V4=='X') || (V2 == 'X' && V3 == 'X') || (V2 == 'X' && V4 == 'X') || (V3 == 'X' && V4 == 'X')
#define COND4 (V1=='X' && V2=='X' && V3=='X' && V4=='X')
//Global variables
int i,j,match=0; // Initialize the variables i,j (row and column) and match
int A[40][40]; // Define the 40x40 integer matrix
char B[40][40]; // Define the 40x40 char matrix
int main()
printf("Este codigo trabalha apenas com matrizes LIFE quadradas de 40x40:\n");
//This code only works with square matrix dimension 40.
printf("\nMatriz LIFE:\n\n");
srand(time(NULL)); //Activate function srand
for(i = 0; i < 40; i++) //loop - i to 40
for(j = 0; j < 40; j++) //loop - j to 40
A[i][j] = rand() % 10; // Aij value is between 0 and 9
printf("%1d", A[i][j]); // Print each Aij
if(j==39) printf("\n"); // Organize the matrix
for(i = 0; i < 40; i++) //loop - i to 40
for(j = 0; j < 40; j++) //loop - j to 40
if (A[i][j]<=3) B[i][j] = 'X'; //X for alive cells
else B[i][j] = '.'; // . for dead cells
printf("%1c", B[i][j]); // Print . or X
if(j==39) printf("\n"); // Organize the matrix
geracao(); //Calls function geracao
imprimirmatriz(); //Calls function imprimirmatriz
//Funçtion geração - apply the necessary conditions.
int geracao(void)
printf("A funcao geracao aplica as condicoes de sobrevivencia\n");
//Function imprimir matriz (print the matrix after the geracao function)
int imprimirmatriz(void)
printf("A funcao imprimirmatriz imprime a nova matriz B após a aplicação das condicoes da geracao\n");
for(i = 0; i < 40; i++) //Loop - i to 40
for(j = 0; j < 40; j++) //Loop - j to 40
printf("%1c", B[i][j]);
if(j==39) printf("\n");