hello, i created an executable from a python project, with py2exe & cx_Freeze for testing, and both versions work fine on my Windows OS, but none work on other PCs (Win32), when i start the executable it says :

'The application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect, Reinstalling the application may fix this problem'...

i googled for this problem and some forum posts say : some local files must be missing, but i moved with the exe all the files generated with py2exe or cx_Freeze including the library archive containing all the necessary files needed for the exe to run without a Python installation...can you please help fix the problem? Thanks.

I believe it's a simple path problem, since they are common on win.

Try to create a shortcut for the application, setting the 'start in' option to that folder.

it did not work, any ideas?

Wich windows it is?

And how about the trying to run it as admin, or in compatibility mode?

I never had problems.

thanks for your help, i found a solution, installing C runtime library on the target machine can fix this problem, here is the link if any one needs it :

Yes because it need "MSVCR90.dll".
For Python2.6, this is MSVCR90.dll version 9.0.21022.8, which can be obtained from the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package.

The correct dll is in here,not SP1

If you got it to work with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package.
Then i guess it`s ok.

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