
I was looking for some ideas and techniques on developing an antivirus engine.

Not really sure how the code should go, or how the program will scan the system.

Please state any ideas, or ways to approach the engine development.


Hi DragonMasterJay,

in simple words the virus files are nothing but the files or the commands in the files that try to access the system private files of folders.

So what you need to do is to search for those commands in all the files of the system and then if found then move it to the folder by name quarantine.

Some files have the advertisements that may be placed in the desktop folder or it may be displayed for some intervals.

So prepare the search for the files in the system and see inside it so that you are able to see that type of malicious commands and if found then move the file..

thats it

I'm aware of how the engine works, however, the coding part of it seems to confuse me.

What is the code for searching commands and files?

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