i have an problem to connect a progress bar with listview object.P.bar working properly. bt i want to connect p.bar with ma sql database while m searching database.kindly help me where m i doin wrong..the code is below.

Private Sub cmdRFind1_Click()
On Error Resume Next

Dim vLst As ListItem


ProgressBar1.Min = 0
ProgressBar1.Max = d.RecordCount
ProgressBar1.Value = 0

If d.BOF = True Then Exit Sub

While Not d.EOF

If d.Fields(0) = txtRWise.Text Then
'--------------- TEXT BOX ------------------------

Set vLst = LstV1.ListItems.Add(, , LstV1.ListItems.Count)
vLst.SubItems(1) = d.Fields(0) 'Voucher No
vLst.SubItems(2) = d.Fields(1) 'Date
vLst.SubItems(3) = d.Fields(2) 'GRNo
vLst.SubItems(4) = d.Fields(3) 'Year
vLst.SubItems(5) = d.Fields(4) 'Month1
vLst.SubItems(6) = d.Fields(5) 'Month2
vLst.SubItems(7) = d.Fields(6) 'Month3
'vLst.SubItems(8) = d.Fields(7)

' Fee Category
vLst.SubItems(9) = d.Fields(7)
vLst.SubItems(10) = d.Fields(8)
vLst.SubItems(11) = d.Fields(9)
vLst.SubItems(12) = d.Fields(10)
vLst.SubItems(13) = d.Fields(11)
vLst.SubItems(14) = d.Fields(12)
vLst.SubItems(15) = d.Fields(13)

End If
For I = 0 To d.RecordCount
' Do nothing, but wait
' To show up the progress bar proceeding
Next I

' Update the progress bar and percent label accordingly
ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 1
lblPercent.Caption = Int(ProgressBar1.Value * 100 / ProgressBar1.Max)


Me.txtRWise.Text = ""

End Sub

Change your 'While' statement and 'Wend' to -

Do While d.EOF = False
'Polpulate Listview here
'Remove the following, unnecessary code
For I = 0 To d.RecordCount
' Do nothing, but wait
' To show up the progress bar proceeding
Next I

ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 1
lblPercent.Caption = Int(ProgressBar1.Value * 100 / ProgressBar1.Max)



This should show the progress, update the label and move on the next load of the listview.

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