how can i put the text i added to database to the combo menu i have in another form?! :confused:

how can i put the text i added to database to the combo menu i have in another form?! :confused:

Well if you know the text you want to add you can add items to a combo on another form with

TheOtherFormName.TheComboName.Add.AddItem "Item Text"

Alternatively you can select the data again when you load the second form using ADO and add items the same way during the load event of the second form.

what if i dont know what to add?! is it possible?!

another question pls... how can i fill combo box from database?!

public form_load()
dim conn  as adodb.connection
dim rs as adodb.recordset
dim mysql as string "Provider=MSDASQL;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=" & G_DB_PATH & ";Uid=" & G_DB_USER & ";Pwd=" & G_DB_PASSWORD

Mysql = "Select * from table;" mysql,conn,3,3,1

do while not rs.eof
 combo1.additem rs.fields(0).value 

set rs = nothing
set conn = nothing 
end sub
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