moving a .jar to sys dir
I can make a .jar from my program and move it to a folder in my progject
The Command to make the -cmf (non runnable) .jar
works fine by adding the .jar to a folder in my project.
but my question is:
what do I have to do to create that .jar if it originated on
a disk drive and write it to a dir I have created on the hard drive?


what do I have to do to create that .jar if it originated on
a disk drive and write it to a dir I have created on the hard drive

Not sure I understand you question. If you create a jar in a directory, you can copy or move that jar to another directory.
What is the difference between a disk drive and a hard drive?

I am unclear to say the least on writing my whole project from a disk to a hard drive
an install if you will. I am trying to write the program to do these things.
someone get the disk
the program runs
the program needs to copy an executable .jar file to a folder my program already creates then I would like to learn how to additionally create a icon on the desktop so the program can run.

I understanding of this is confused. Is any of this possible? Like I said before
I can create the .jar and I am having trouble getting the manifest.mf correct at the moment but In my linited understanding I would like to be able to have my program move a executable .jar to the clients hard drive.

can you comment on how I would go about adding a icon to a desktop that could run the program?
any info is good I need to researh all of the concepts.

Once you have created an executable jar file, then you can copy that jar file to other computers that have the JRE installed. You need the JRE to execute a jar file.
To execute it, double click on the jar file and it should start execution.
You can create a shortcut to the jar file and copy the shortcut to another location like the desktop to allow your program to be started by double clicking on the shortcut.

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